Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 123, 26 May 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian Hardware Company

Tne Ailvertiser wha catche' ja persoas eyo usnal!y wir.s n ' costoaier. Manv dit!erent >tylcs of aJvertisir.j: have been udopte«l anJ witb niore or less succe», b\ tbe b«?lievers iu the use of printer> ink. Ti;e ru.inaf tcturer> of Fcars Soap. for instance, ocoasion ally buy paintings tluit have been on eihibitiou in tbe P.«rī s ' Salon and have Hthograph> ma.i from thom for the parposo of bringing tbeir prod ict bofore the people. In ad.lition t) sach side i>>ues, Pear >; ei! is hua»irei.ls tbous.incls of JoIlais annually among the newspapers acd magi aziues. Someyears ago tbe \geuts of certain article on aale in New York made n hit in advertising by having ou Broadway during business hours two fatluessly drt s>t>d Negro s wearing verv higu collars. on tbe b icks of whieli w is printed “ l'se S’nitbs Pills." Tbe idea was uovel «nd the puhlie caught on. Ilising Sun Stove Polish has beeu kept before the puhlie for years through persistent, and sometimes expen>ive advertisiug. Twenty odd years ago the manufacturers of tuis polish started half a dozen men across the ornimeut to paiut sigus on rocks and fenoe.s. The Aermotor Co., of Chicago have increased its sales moie than five hundred per eent in two years by the uso of printers ink. Wo believe we have been instrumental in increasing the siles of the Aemotor by keepiugeverlastingly at it iu ilawuii. We do uot wish to say that advertisiug will soil an\’ manufactured article; there is no use spendiug money iu advertisiug •‘eheap and nasty” go»»ds becunse the people will not be hoodwinked. lf Haviland Ohina was not tho superior article .it is, all our utlvarii>tiag of ii would uot have sold the thonsands of ’pieces that we bave. We simply eall the attention of the people to it and its snperior qoality ia apparent to the customer directly a ' pieee of it is esamined. Printers ink has belped the sale i of tbe James Locked Feuce but I it would not have dones so if it had been asflimsy as theor dinay wire fence. First; the econoiuy there is in lmi!diug it recommeuds it to the plantatiou manager and then its durability clinches the the Sale If the stays and washerscost as mueh as an ordinary redwood post oar sales of the muterial wonkl not have reached -such enormous proportions. Our average sale of tho* Paasv Iron Stove is about two a day the j year round. If was not the best iron stove ou the market we woukl not sell that many in six montbs. Advertising is the tip to the pnblic the good points io tbearticle sells it jost as tbe good qualities of tbe Fischer Stee; Kange make it a desirable artic!e for people who wish toeconomise in tbe nse of (uel.

We bay only what haa proren gooti after people in tho Unileii ■ States or Europo Luve given il a trial; we profit by tbeir esperince if tbe articles are goood we buy aml sell tfaem; if they are poor we steer eleap o{ tbem. When we »dvertise an article it is to attract attention to it; the newspaper ; s the bulton we pu*;h, tbe salesman doea tbe rest. Persistent advertising conpled witb the art cle being a superior one h*s sold thoosan*U of the Frank Walcot E;nory FiIo. If it had been no better than an or dinary scytha stone we probably wou!d aot bave soIJ twentv. Wheo a man finds out that bis table koives may be keptsb.>rp at! all times at au exponse of fifty j cents and a very liule elbow grease be is qoite wiliing to try tbe expenmeut • « 1 - 7--. ' ■■ '*■ ; - ’■ . ' I * \ ne Bavaui Mtare ;Ct. |j 30? Fort 1