Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 125, 29 May 1894 — Departure of Mrs. Gans. [ARTICLE]

Departure of Mrs. Gans.

It was unfortaiifite that thesuccess, at least financially, of Mrs. Gans visit to Honolulu was raar- : red by the nn>-xpected arrivul of of the Dailey Draraatic Corapany. Those who werefortunate euough to see Mrs Gans’ entertaining dissolving views, and hear her i descnptive Ieclures, will treasure ihein. It will be fortunate for the interests of t<mrist travel hitherward if Mrs. Gans w 11 represent tlu«aii abroad witb the sume ■ pictoral beauty, uml intelligent eloquenoe of description that she bas proseuled scenes in other lands to us. N > scheine that the ! Bureau of Information oonkl formnIata wonldbe raore etfective for udvancing the interests of ! travol. and informing the world i of what Hawaii really is Mrs. Gaus is raaking a eolleetinn ot the choicest views of our sceuery and is!and life, and they shonld be colored to represeut natnre. This reprosents an exi pense of two to three hnndred j dollars whieh shonld be cheerj fully donated by about eight or teu loeal firras who will be the raost benetitted by Mrs. Gans’ etforts in this line. It is a national \vork in whieh we are all interested. 1