Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 125, 29 May 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

l=j, E, Mc[mty^ e B^o JIMPOKTERS AXP DEALERS IN Groceries,’ I 3 i'ovisions AXD J Feed, EAST CORNER FORT * KING.*STS. New Goods Rec'd By eTerv Paoket from the E.Tstern States «n,t EnropeFresh California Produce bv ererv 8t«arner. All onlers faitbfully «ttend-**l t*'. and tJ * -K to any part of the city* FREE 0F CHAK(iE. IslanJ OrJers Solioitett. Sat >f.,ction Ouamnleel. Post Offiee Box N >. 145. Te!ephone N<>. 91

TEXTH Annual Meetingj 0F TfIE i Joekev (Tub. JUNE 11. 1891. ' i ___________ ' OHieial Progriimme « <§r Races fo Oommenee at 10 a. m. Sharp. l3T— BICYCLE RACE. I Prize Sliver Medal; valoed at 12-3. Eulianee fee 11.50; 1 imle d ish. Free for all. 2— KALAKAUA PURSK 1100. ( Running Race; A mile dash. Free for all. 3— HONOLULU PURSE 1100. Trotting and Pacing, to harness; 2 40 c!ass. Freef>rall. Mile heats; best 2 in 3% 4— R0SITA CHALLENGE CUP. $200 ADI)ED. Rnnniug Rice; I nnle d-ish. Free fur a 11. \Vinner of eop. to beat record of Angie A. 1:45$.

5—PRESIDENT TVIDEMANN CUP, «75 ADDED. Running R.icp; f rHawiiian bred. 4 uiiie dasb. 6— JOCKEV CLUB PURSK «100 Trotlingand Pacing, to harnesp Free for ali. Mile heats; best 3 in 5. 7— OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO'S PURSE «100. Running Race; 1 miie da3h. For Hawaiian bred. 8 — MAUI PURSE «100. Trottingand Pacing, toharnes« 3 minule For Hawaiian bred. Mile heats; b st 2 in 3. 9— KAPIOLANI £ARK PURSE «125. I Ruuniug Race; 11 mile dash. Free for all. 10—KAMEHAMEHA purse, «100 Trotting and Pacing, to harnes?. For Hawaiian bred; mile heats; be«t 2 in 3. i l gWF~\'\ entrie3 are V» Jb«* made 1 : with the Secretary, ai ihe olHee of ; ‘ C. O. Berger. on Merchant Stree(, ! before 2 p u Weilnes<lfcy, June 6th. ) S 1894, at whieh timethey will close. Entrr fees t*> be 10per eenl. ot the ». purse. un)ess otherwise specified. — All raceg are to be run or ; trotted ur.der the rules of the Jockey Club. 5 i\ 11 l\ !1 8 '1 t All horses are expected to start uuless withdrawn by 12 o'eliHik nooo, on June 9th, 1894. AU horaes mns>t appeer on the track at tbe lap of the hell fwm the Judges »!»nd; ot »erwise they will be fiaed. G<?oertl ada»i»on 50 «nU Gnnd *und [«»»] 50 oent* |l Caimg» [ineule of oonr» ] e»eh «--51 |».t0 W. M. Gifiard. S<oret»ry HawaiiAn Joo:eyCl b may U—2 »ks <Ly