Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 125, 29 May 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Tli E Aw/\^DED s m: k Ajaheuser-Busch Brewins: Co. Wi the Prize at the '\Vo;*i( L\s l"air with theii JihVOL ri Lraii<i i3eer. St % Loii?. Oct. 28, 1S93. |Messbs. Macpablane & Co., L’n , Honolula, H. I. Pirv—Wa hftvp iu iiled yon n c >py <»{■ the Glo/* -D>mocra< HDnoaocmg tfiegreit victjry *n l»y c;ie A’THECSEB-BcgH A«OClAtios witl tiieir "£.\GLK Braud of i>eer. I [Sigued] ANHEUSER-BUSHBEWING ASSOCLVIICX. 12 | 3 m I £ * « K & 5? $ > s* c‘m SP i|?5 3 3: K 3 h •4 % •3 £ •vs •<£ iii UR!SHi> ir l - ' tm~ln ordering this Beer besuro to ask forthe “EAOLE’’ Brund. ALacfarlane <fe Co., Mi»r. 14-- -2ud. A<j€nl6 far Hawaiian Islands. ©SDW4T & P@Ef SH Robmson Hloele, HoUl St,, heiween Fort and Nuuani , Have Just Beceiv< d, ]er I ate Airivals, iLe l»rgest Stoct cf FUE EE E\er ImpOrted to this Countr\’, Comprisiag Handsome Carved Bedroom Sets In Soli<l Oa.lv, andof the LATESTDESĪGNS. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N IS CALLED T0 TflES£ SETS: WIOK.E Beaut fnl Des gns of Wicker M*are, consisting of SOFAS, C HAlliS, EOCKERS, eto.,you ean get these n eto., you cs FINI8H vou desire. 9 any CHAIR8, Couutless numbers of CHAIRS. in ever\’ stvle, including OT'FICE and HIGH CHAIES. E^rTE2STSIO^T We hnve had a number of calls for theso Tables, with CHAIES to matob. We have now in stock the most BEHUTIFUL DfNING ROOM FURNITURE EVEE SEEN HEEE. Sideboards and -:- Chiffonlers DIVAWS.in ; Divans coveml with P0ET1ERS are becoming quite the iage in [plaee of L0U2sG£S—we manufacture them to order, and have a 'aige stock of POETIERS to sehct from. BED3DIITG-, J Grent Assortment of WOVE\ WIEE MATTRESSES—Spring , Hair, :Moss, Wool and Straw Mattresses on band and made to order 1 L1VE GEESE FEATHERS and SILK FLOSS for Pdiows CRIBS, CEADLES, etc. M’I\DOW SHADES of al! colors and sizes. C0ENICE P0LE8, in «ood or brass trimmiogs. 33 E lEINa. Mattre3ses, Loanges and all UphoIstered Furnitare repaired at r"asor>nble n.tes. CABINET MAKING, in «11 its bntaches, by Compeiaent Wcrkmen. MATT1NG LAID and Intcrior Deoorjting ooder the Superv;siou of (Mr. GEORGE ORDWAT. Oar Goods are F>rst CI.Has, and our prices are the lowest Come and be e mvinced—a trūl is solicited. BeU 525. tzlephoxks: Matuai 645 OEDWAT 4 POEIEE. Eobiaaoa Biook, betvea& Fort a&d Nuuanu