Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 125, 29 May 1894 — The Freedom of the Floor. [ARTICLE]

The Freedom of the Floor.

Amonp all thi> ab»nrd pmpoailiona madeby ihe p. p *Jipport<*rs. tbe Iatest one embo*1i*-d in a Cmb reso1niion takes the prize. | Tiie Annexntion C!nb cl!»esu't wi>lt to nominale Thnreton for a aeat in the Oonneil, as it refoaed to nominate him as a delegate, b t to head t.ff t!ie posa bility th«t Mr. I>ole and bis serenteen p-<IUnt f<»llowere m«y in.sist in lia' inp the »howy" amb:issador in their midnt. they tender Mr. Tbnreton the freedom of t!Te ti >or Hnd Hsks him to a,-sist iu framing the new Constitation —alreHdy ffaroed. printt d, aealed and ready for delivery. The constitntional convention is ea 1 b*d in obedience to an Act or decree“is8U“d by the Gonncils. It provid» s that the conveution ahall consisf of the niueteen m<*mbers of the Executive and Adv sorv Coiincils besides e'ghte<*n electe»l deleg<ites. These 37 inen «re snpposed to make a C<>n9titution. Tliat is ali tue d *cr©** ii'ithorizes them to «lo. The d»*cre«* does not give tbem right t»r power t<> increjt«e their nuiuliei in ai»y «rbitr »ry manner, nnd tln*v ean no more a< ld Mr. Thurston to their nomber th:»n thev c»tn «lecreaso the authorized menibersbip. Aml the hnmilialion implied in snc!i uction’ Is it poasible that these 37 men, who we have b*>en c<>nstmtlv told possoss iill the woalili. «11 the iuteIligonce, and the verv incarnation of al! virtues are willing to admit that thev «re ineom|>etent to |*erfor*n the work whieh they imbidden bave Hssumed? Do nll these brilliant men like W. 0. Stn:th, Memlonoa, Iosepa or Baldwin staii(l ready to say that the pivs*nee of Thurston “on the Hoor” is necessarv or no constitution c »n b** made? A m»»re idiotic, a iiuiie stupendoos idea h«s never emanated froro any body of men h»lding in their hamla, althongh temporarilv, the dignity of a n ilion the prosperity of a eonutry. If Mr. Thnraton is nnpposed to have pecnliar qnal fieations for framing conatitntions,why oan he n >t be seen in pnvate by the he«ds of the government and eoniniiinieale to them his alleged exeelleut ideas or clever trieks? Surely aome of tbe Ministers mnst p*»ssess ability enongh to repeat Mr. Thnrston’s dogmua hs « aehool boy does his leeaon. If tliev oannol even do the parrot «et. they cert«inly are uieompetent to fr»me constitutions, but then thev shoul*l have tlie modes ty and goivl sense tu give‘ the free*lom of tho rioor” to 37 other men who wonhl have abilitv,knowledge aiul int**lligenoe enough to act withont being prompted by Hia Excel ency L. A. Thnrst'»n or plaeing himon thelloor likeatalking maeliinehelween «jan : t*»r and a spitti.K»n, B« fore the c<»nventiou is over the members will have learned th«l they L,<ve taikiugmaeliinea em>ugb aiuoug Uiem witboot hiring anv extnia. Just wait to the aluioea of the “D«iu of Ino" are opeueii. The inust serioo» part of the bnsmesa ia thongh thrtt the tax|>ayer8 are oailed upou to j»ay to Mr TLurelou SōOO a roontb while he is loafing around bere. For nenrly s yesr aud a balf bas he , l»een the benifician* of tbe p. g. govermueut to tbat amonut. Aud who will dare to say tbat be has earued it. He haa negiected his ofHcisl busiuess rti a most shameful mauuer. He has deserted his post. when it is claimed, his pre- I sence was mostly nee*Kd. He | has devot**d his time to attend to bis prīvate business and he Las , Wen extreroely prompt aud» regular in drawing hia fat salarv froui the Hawnīian treasnr^ r . lt | becaiue necessary to seud other j men as co>ai(nissiuners or socre-1 taric*s or ‘ w hat-ever-you-plea8e” j to asaiat Mr. ThursU>n in his '

work. And hi» work w»s never » «cromplisbed. He went to aeeme t annex<itioo. and annexation is ] fartber otf t*>day thau ;t erer was. t He sfaonld bave ingrated bimself ] with tbe Administratioo snd he f heeame a prrmna ingratd to < Cleveland and his cabinet. He ! } shculd hrtve npheld the dignity | i of the coantry be represeoted; j i and he turned ont as a sbowman, i I a stu*np speaker aod a ward t politictan —and 'ue was eonae- | qnently snnbbed and tbe p. p. < ridicnled And for this tbe tax- f J pavers here have paid him $500 < n n.onth besides his trav»*lling I expenses an<l “inci<lentals“ I whenever he went on a junketing < trip. Is it uow tbe propoaition j; to keep him here «nd eoniinue the s«lary in the -h«i>e of a , ponaion while he exercis-s tl*e ‘•free*lom of the flonT?” Verily tlios<» whorn the G»>ds wi-h t*> deatr<>v tbe\ - m»ke u>ad— —or I raembers of a p. g.