Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 127, 31 May 1894 — A WARNING T0 CRITAIN. [ARTICLE]


GIadstonB to Scottish Liberals. The followinj» tetter trritten by 5Ir. Glatlstone to Mr. •John Cowan. cbairmin of tbe Mūlloih an Liberaii. from Brigbton Iast Satup.lay; “I brg to *poli>gize for not repi\itig e:irlier t * tne »tTactiouate r.tldre~s of the EJiuburgb Līber.»is, Out the delav bjt-v been Jae to nv troab!esorae cougu. I tbank you verv miieh for the geuerou> deaire that I»utl! not . oe.tae to represent MiJlothi*n iu ‘he of C. mm ns. but I am aiiahie (o juJge yet to wbat extent the coud:tion of my sight and hetring will dis.tbie nie from perforining theduties att:tchiug to the seat. “I ahi cirefal to distingaish the w»ri3 and geuero;is coioriug you havt* giveu to my iuerits and dernerit-. Mv c:treer has c. r( tiulv beeu ch\rgeable with inany — n m errors of jiidgetneat, but l iu«pe it has been governe l by nprigbtness of intmition tml a de-ire for stnct jastice. “ 13at.be p.ihlie ispect of the period whieh ciosos for me with fourteeu ye.»rs c*>nncction with Midloth »n is too iiuportant to p iss wit iout .» word. “I consider my career as beginniug with iiie refonu act of I83‘i, whieh for Eagi ;nd ineaut improvejaeut and extensiou, and for Scjtiand poliiieal birth. ' Three scure years later they o(T r us pictmes whieh the lnstonan wiil recognize. GRKAT B!tITAIN’8 K5I i.VCIPATION. “Tiie great legisi>it ve and ndmiuistrative peno<l—perha{>3 the ! gre.itesī ;u our ;»nnals—«ill be i • j the history of the arnancipation. | p >litical, social, iuorul, and iutellect'jal. Almost uuinberles3 have beou the causes whieh have I been brought tu issue iu that period, aud iu every iustauce I ! rejoice to tliink that Scotlaud has done battle for tbe rigiit. Anotuer period open»- —a period witli possibly yet greater tnoraI j daugers. and certainly of great I ordeal for tho8eclusses whieh aro now becoraing largely couscious of tlieir power, bat have never iiitherto been subjected lo its deteriorating intliiences. Tliese iud ieuces bave been coafiued to the ciasses above them, becanse they weie the sole possessors of this power. Now is tiie tiuie for i every true friend of the country to xemiud the masses th.»t they owe the:r preseut political eleva tiou to eo principles iess broad aud uohle than t.iese; Love of ! liberly for all, withoutdistiuction of class. creed, or coautrv, aud resolute preference for the interests of tho whole peopie to any iuter» st of narrow scope. “I an: sai gnine in tlie hope ; t!iat Scot)aud wiil in the future 1 | cherish a senso <»f duty uo iess | ; iofty and eulightened th in in the ! ; i>ast, aud I du not doubt the saf- i ficiency .of her iuduence aud j power to ebtam, w.thout serions (lilheulU , evervthing needful to I aatisfy her needful wauts. THE DEEPEST 8TAĪN ON BRITiSH HONOR. “For myaelf, I need s*y little more thau 1 carry with me out of offioe tfce pobtic.il opinions I professec. in it. Itjs. indeed. a source of sitisfactiou to me that after sixty years of a high!y centeuticus life it ean be honor.vbly relieved of some of that active participation īn politicai couflict of whieh I Lave had so fu!l a sbsre.

* Bnt I recogaize the great and i growiug demauds of these eoun- | tries for satisfying tbeir legisla- ; | tive wauts. I Ument ibat tbe j ; discrepancy of sentiment between i I the two Houses of Parliament | has been reriTed to such an ex- 1 ! tent as to aise a qaestiou betveen the chamber responsibIe and the j ebamber totaily irre8ponstble to = I the ualio i. and rai.se it iu sach a J fona as *rili deniand at no dis- 1 I I fcaut day a eo .clasire jodgment • • 1 l from the 30ustitoeneics. “I feel deepiy conviuee i th«t uutii tbe arst dem «nds of lreland are satisfied. as tbe Hoas‘ uf | Commons iried to satislv them, ; 1 ueiiber will ibe iegisUtive wania i

of «ny portica of the I u»ted Kmgdom be «dec|aately met. nor will the empire attatn the maximam of its uaion «ad power. ; nor British hoaor be eff?ctaally clesred of the deei>est historic st.»in ever attaehed to it. 1 rem«in, with warmest regard, W. E. Glapsto\e.