Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 127, 31 May 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
LEWIS & C0.. Wholesale and Retail 6ro I * AXD PROVISION DEALERS. FR£SH CAUFORNL\ SALMOS ONICE By ETerr gan Francisco Stcauier. Salt Sal.vox rx Barrels a Specialtt. | m Fort St., Honolulu. TcL 240, O. Box 207. 1 W.W.WRIGHUSON iCarriafe £\VafiNiBoildeis u u Ix All 1ts Bbaxches. Horseshoeing A SPECIALTY. 97 and 80 Kinp St., Houoialu NXercliant Excliange Corner King aun Nanann Streeu. S. I. SKA\V....Mana"er. The Finest se!ection of LIQUORS aml 1 BEER, sohl &nywhere in the town. FTrst-class attendance. Call and jndge j | for yonrself. no 113-tf H. MAY & Co.,| Tea Dealers, 1 Coffee Roasters AND Provision Mercliants 98.Fort Street, - Honolulu Families, Plantations and Sbips supplied willi choicest Ewropean & American Groceries California Produce by Every Ste'imer. CALIF0RNIA Wine Company 407 FORT STREET, Mclnerny Block. JOBBERS OF | ! WINES, and SPIRITS j — CHEAP Ifurniture ! YIHG Ī’AI & Co, Corner of King and Betael Sts., Honolula, > Olfer a large as.sort nent of fine aoi desirable furmtcre, *bicb tbey sell at a very low figore. Be«lste«ds, Bareius. M0it jSafes. W»rdrobes, etc., at prices to suit everybody. Cali and inspect foryoarselves i* nur 12 VLNG FAI <k CO. ; ;