Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 150, 28 June 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Vallejo, June 10. A large qaantity of paiut waa sent from tbe yard for ahipmenl to tbe Pbiladelpbia at Honolulu. Tbis means that abe will remain there for a time to eome. Witbout donbt she will remain until relieved by the cruiser Charleston, now on her way to tbe Pacific squadron. Mneh specnlation is rife as to who will be the snccesi sor of Admin»l Walker, now on , tbe Philade!phia, as it is an j almost assured fact he will be i given shore dnty m July. Captain ! Barker of ihe Philadelphia wiil :b« relieved in Jnly and given shore duty, where it is not known. London, June 9. The regatta !of the Thames Yacht Club took plaee todav. The first pri*e was £5000. The only contestants , were the Prince of Waloe’ Britannia and D. U Clmrks’ Satanita. Tbe former won bandily. London, June 9. The Field says it is stated George Gould has had an interview with the Prince of Walea. and they have arranged for a series of maiehee between the Prince’s cntter Britannia and Gonld’a sloop-yacht VigilanL
Berlin. Jane 9. Herr Lndvig Bamberger. an eminenl aatbority apon the qnestion of himeialliem aml a member of the silver eommission. declares after twentydays of earnest discussion tbat no tangible resolt bad been arrived at. bat tbe meetings of the commission have farnished overwbe!ming proof that in tbe future no conference, either national or international, will arrive at a different resalt