Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 153, 2 July 1894 — THE ARRANT COWARDS. [ARTICLE]


It is refreshing to hear the supp<irters nf tlie revolutiouary Amer icans accuse the loyal citizens of Hawaii of co»ardice. The atti tude ou the l<thof Jauuary of the men, who boast of their patriotism and heroism, was not a pr.H.f of the qnalities nnwclairned bv taem. Tne p. gs. remind us of the small boy stauding behind his big and armed brother —aud tw • policemenas guards —yelling to tae lonely b >y on the other side with no arms and no poliee: “Come ou, eomo ou you coward and I will tix yo i.” Tiie ubject cowardice of the governmeut was further il!ustrated today. A \vell-knowucontractor, a man of mauv yeai - s residence, and of unblemished standing iu this community desired some cartridges for his revolver. He as many other civilized citizens enjoy duriug their stay at the Waikiki, beach all manly sports, aud he fishes, rows, jurups, boxes and shoots to the target. As a law-abidmg citizen he made a forraal request to the firm of E. O. Hall «fc Son, for 100 cartridges and his reqnisition was returued crossed in red ink “refused by the Marshal." And it is uuder such laws. and such rules, aud such a treatmeut that the llepuhlie of Hawaii expects the best element ;unong the citizens of these islands to sub mit, aud gather aronnd the tl ig of the tyrauts. Verdv, Mr. Dole is losiug courage —Willie Hall uever had auy. P. S. For the beuefit of the nervous authorities, we will state that the request above referred to was simply a test case. We have all the ammunition that we need for any lawfnl legitimate and deserviug purpose.