Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 164, 16 July 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]
f\V« do not hoid oap*«lr-s r«sponsibIe (or th« opiaiooa or th« ntten&e«s oi car eorrescoad«ats.l Editob HoLoxrA. The Sfar reporter obtained his usual truthfni report of the meeting of the People’s Party. His gayascntusphone is an excellent recprder of proceedings. It failed, however, to catch one of the most interesting suggestions made at the meeting. We. now kindly furnish it. Mr. Wagner moved that in consideration of tbe Star's valaable service in advertising the People’s Party, a co!lection be madefor the pnrpose of assist*ng the Star editor to pay that 5/0whiskey Bill. Mr. A. J. Tippler (anotber nnscmpulous foreigner) considered it rather prei sumptaons of a “low down" dispenser of “forked lightning” in being so brutal as to attract ihe attention of so mighty and influential a j>ersonage as the Slar editor to an old standing saloou debt. Under the new goveru- j ment all such prerious moral ■ obligations shoa!d be “mbbed off the slate.” Mr. Per Simmons who cluiras to ■ ■ be the original inventor of the gayascutusphone proposed that the eolleelion be postponed un- i til we had fingered some of the “bcodle” whieh the Star states, we are seeking. That Mr. Wagner’s molion was perfectly proper, and Mr. A. J. Ttppler’s remarks was out of order; that, as we ail kuow, sugar is low. That the sugar p!anter stockbolders of the Star company were possibly negligents iu the matter of finaneial “digging,” and a little aid from us would possibly eome in handy iu enabling the Star editor to resent the Holomua insult by liquidating the debt. The motion as amended was carried, almost uuanimously, there being, bnt i one dissenter, who proved to be | “Alahama” Mitchell. Mitchell gavo as his reason for dissenting that he was sorely disappointed in the S(ar. He had expected a cut uud writing up similar to that whieh the Adverlūter gave Leo. etc. Harden. Tbat time would probably heal his wound, bnt in tlio meanwhile, he would advi«e the Star reporter even to steer clear of him, as he (Miiehell) would not be responsib!e for the I result. Hexb\ Von Werthex, Socty. People’a Party.