Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 164, 16 July 1894 — The Lute. [ARTICLE]

The Lute.

A number of people have been enquiring wbat a Lute is. Prof. Adelstein will answer the question tomorrow evening when he }>erforms ou the instrnment seen bere for the first time. The Lute surp:isses in sweetness of sonml and in ricbness of tone all otber string-iustrumeuts nextto the Violin.and īt resembles strongly the Violoncello. Mr Adelstein’s reputntiou as a virtuous on tb e iustrument needs no furtber mention. Tbe cōncert tomorrow evening at tbe Opera House—will be a distinct success. and everybody wbo takes any interest in music sbould be tbere. A large nuraber of tickets hava been taken, but there are still good seats to be bad by an early applieaiion to L. J. Levey. Now, let it be seen wbo love music and wbo dou't !