Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 168, 20 July 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Tho - Honolulu - SpAP • HPUS,K! M O DERN TI M E S=^== —“ S-lOl-A-|P”— = Seventeen Bars of the Very Best Quality of SOAP for $1.25, “ Honest \Veight ” SOFT SOA?, in Tins of Forty-two Pounds. J. . ... CA]VDT .F.S, - Triple Pressed Stearic Wax Mining Candles, Mannfactured by the Emery Candle Company of Cincinoati, at Fifteen Cents Per Ponnd. KITCHEN 8ALT, » In Sacks of One ITundred Pounds, at Fifty Ceuts pei Sack. Table Salt Away. FIBE“WOOD. per Cord, Delivered to any House in this City FREE OF CHARGE. L■ ' T TTC' 'l i — 9 H:Vf J Quart BottIes One DolIar Per Dozen; Pint Bottlea Fifty Cents Per Dozen. Muiual Telephone 314. NTCOTj T£FT K!TT A ]yf- Bethel Street, Honolulu, H. I.
MACFAKLANE & CO. Dealers in Wines and Spirits Kaahumaua Street, Honolulu. — J. PHILL1P8, PRACTICAL PLUMEEE, GAS.FrETER DOPPEE-SMITH, House and Ship Job Work Promptly Executed. No. 71 King Street, Honolulu. Dr. AT€HEBI-EY, M. R. C, 8. (Eng.) L. R. C, P. (Lond.) «MnuĒMwnEi) to office formerly II occupied by Dr. Foote, Corxkb of PtXCHBOWL AND BtKETAMA StREEE5. Mnt. 234, Bell841. • FOR SALE. HOU8E asd LOT AT IWILEI. Honololo. Encjuirc on the premises, or o( JOE dk SANTOS, ju29 1 w Aboard W. Q. Uall. NOTICE. All persons are hereby prohibit«d from trespassing or taking any thing from the lanu o( the undersigned, situated at Muolea, Hana, Island of Mani. MAUE MAUNALOA. Kalihiuka, Oahu, June 28, 1894. ju38 lm WM. DAVIES, Ria:ger, Stevedoro AND W recker. KSTIMATE8 and COXTKACT8 o» ALL KDfD8 OF WORK. Inquire at Office of J. S. Walker, over Spreokela’ Bank, or Wright Bro*> Fort Street| deol6-tf A. S. MEDEIROS tk GO.. Merchant Tailox*s. Ameiiean, rn£li»li and Scotoh Tweeds on hand. Firet-class work §mMbAML Hotel St., under Arlington HoM. Honolulo jy 17-lmou. Anchor-:-8aloon Ex “AUSTRALIA # " _ Anotber Invoice of the Worid Renowned FREDERICKSBURG U6ER BEER On draught and by Ihe keg. Abo, 8. a Specialty. SmauFresh OAumm 0YSTERS. fob cocktails majl 3bi : \ «r.