Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 168, 20 July 1894 — Sport and Gambling. [ARTICLE]
Sport and Gambling.
. l! I It i> a great pih'l tbat the vice j i of gambling enters - in to atl «nd | ( everv sport aud destroj*s all the benefit to bo deriv*l frora lrne sport besidescreatinIdiasensions. ■ ill feeling and qnatrels among those promote physical developraent and prowess in man and beast. The late trouble in tbe b«seball leagne wit its nearly tragical end Ust nig it is a good illustration of what' e are eom* j ing to. Boat racing and borse- • racing bave alread been dis- * credited and noboc r goes to a race withont a feelii|g that tbei% j will be a “pnt np” j b or a sel!. { The baseball field as now been entered by tbe gamb ing fratern- | ity and the propects |re| that this j bealthy and iiiterestilg sport will be abolished in the\futare. It becomes tho comraunity to tnke a vigorons staud against tbegambling on sporting events. If westeru c:vilization is to lead this 1 coraraunity in to the semblance of a low “sporting” have better do without western\civilization and return to the. days when the people enjoyed »port for tho sake of sport and when raccs were not “jockeyed” and ball games not sold —at least 4ot for $10. \