Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 171, 24 July 1894 — THE GREAT STRIKE. [ARTICLE]
—•- I STREKERS HETTJRN TO WORK. THK &AILEOAD’S WIN THE DAY. Pallman*fi Nhopii To Open. Tbe fol!owing news was received by the Warriraoo wbich arnved bere tbis morning: Pa’knan, (111.). Jnly 14. 0fficials of tbe PuIImah Company who are on the ground on aeeouni of tbe stnke stated this evening, . that tbo shops would be re-open-ed witbin a vory sbort time. Accordiog to the statements of the Pollman officers, all of the old men excepling tb* se guilty of uulawful acts will be re emp!oyed on the same terms as before the strike. Those of the ■ men living in Pullman who refuse to go to work on tbe old terms will be evicted from their bomes and compelled to leave. This rule will be strictly euforced say the officials. All of the strikers who eouhl leave have already gone, and those remaining are penniless and powerless to move away. It is expected that all the old eraployees now acceptable to the company will be at work wilhin a brief period. Among the strikers there is eonsiderable excītement to-night owing to the impression prevalent that tbeir canse is lost. Grouos of men filled the streets for a time, but no demoustrations were made. A canvass of men sbows a majority in favor of returning to work, although the more radical ones still insist upon loyalty fco Debs. STBIKEKS WORK. Toledo, Ohio, July 14. There was more bustle and stir abont fche railroad yards today thau fchere has been afc any time since tbe strike was iuaugurated. Many of the old hauds are returning fco work mueh to the disgust of those who are still possessed of fche idea that the roads will make terms with them if fcbey remain out longer. All the roads are operating trains, both passenger and freight, except the Wheeling aud Lake Erie, where on!y passenger fcrains are running. THE 8TRIKE DEAD. Chicago, July 14. The aggrossive talk of fche labor Ieaders is about all thafc reroains of tbe strike. Tbe general raanager’s beadqnarfcers are closed to-night for the first time since the A. K. U. began its fighfc against the railroads of thafc associafciou.Tbey annonnee that fche strike so far as they are coucerned is over; tbat they have all the men they need for tbe handling of tbeir busiuess, and fchat traffic is rapidly assnming fcbe normal eondition. Nearly all roads fchat laid off or discbarged fcbe forces employed in their general offiees have given nofcice that work will be resumed on next Monday the 16th inst. CHI£F ABTHUB’s A>'SWEB. Cleveland, (O.), Jnly 14. Chief P. M. Arthur, of the Brotherbood of Locomotive £ngineers aQ8wered tfae telegram of President Debs of the A. B. U. in whk;b he wea o«lled npon to join the strike by stating that ‘*he had edvued members of tbe Brotkerhood o( JLooomotive Engineera when c*lled npon to attend strictly io their own bnsineee ae engineers. whenever it conld be done with safety, regaurdlese of whom tbe company employed to fire Ihe engmo.” umu. New York, Jnly 14. The open airmaae in Union Sqnare
BLOOr«H£U. Saeramento, July 13. Blood was spilled on ihe streeis of Secramento this morning as a result of tbe strike and excitement nn bigh all day. Two men, neither of tbem sirikers, bnt possibly | sympatbizers were shot by members of Battery L. One of tbem lies stiff and stark in the Morgue tonight while ihe otber is soffering at the €ity Receiving Hospital from a bullet hole throngh his right shoulder and arm. Tbe troops have frequently warned people to keep away from the freight yaids. Nevertheless a crowd gatbered there and the sbooting was ihe result of their obstinacy. ĪX RUXSING ORDER. ' San Franeisco, July 14. The running of loeal trains in Oakland and Alameda was resnmed yesterday, through trainSforSanta Clara and Santa Cruz eonnties were sent out in the narrowgauge railroad. National gaardsmen took possession yesterday of % tbe rai!road yards between Peralta street and broad-gauge mole. Tbe loeal trains run now withont interference The Soutbern Pacific Corapany otfers a reward of $5000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the parties who have assiste<l in obstructing and wrecking trains contrary to tbe laws of California.