Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 175, 28 July 1894 — Always A Plague. [ARTICLE]

Always A Plague.

Samoa ig evidently gaining experience in regard to the Lantana. At tbe last recorded meeting of tbe Apia Munieipal Councii, tbe following took plaee; The president soggested that «ben tbe war was over and the people retorned to Apia. tbat 100 girls and boys be obtuined to act nnder the snpenrision of tbe eouneil in removingthe weed. Conncillor Carruther» nnder- . took to supply the preas with in- j | fonnation in regard to the dang- * 1 eroos qnalities of tbe weed. ♦ — Jobn Hapa a notorious cbaracter has lately managed to get' ! bimself in tbe toils of the law, and is now booked for trial for I highway robbery.