Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 186, 11 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

D.UMITO.\ St-et [A.rljtij-ton 1;1 *k] Th* sbor« Stow h*t reretre<l »urtL« Lsige Icrok* of Japakese £ilk. V ANCY Goods, Pcr S. S. “China.” —coMrw*r>«— BEAUTIFUL SILK AND ( HAPE. Dr«s Goods in a!l ‘•ha le, j' u *nd fipTirwl. Cn*biotw>, T»W« Coi*n, Bed Corers, Gorrns, Silk fnpe Kiliow Siiks, All Color* F»ney I>ra{«.-rio, EMBROIDEEED HANDKERGHI£FS DoiIlien, S’.trfs, S*sbes, Jn< krte, Caps Ete., Ete. NOVKLTIES: 1be Pn ’if Iheae Go ..L will astoiii-.b you iscludiog ELEOANI SILK KIM0N08! H,\nd»ouif Cigarette Cases, l‘m Cushions Silk Tea Cossies, UKGE AM> NMlLL JAl*iNESE Kl«S Silk UmhnllM, light bnt strong; < bair Snddles, Silk; llamlioo Blinds, litted witb pulleyn; Silk Um]> ShadeH, new »tyle. J .l PA N ESE SCRECNS, Prom «3 I p. LIKKE Jil’ANESE I HBKELL1S Ctiu lie Set witb Pole lu the ground, niee (or l'ieuie» or Lnuehea out of doors, they ean be opeucd out or n»ed as n tent.‘ COTT()N CRAPKS in c;reat varikty E7*lnsp«otion Kos{iectfnIly IiiTited. Mks. J,T.r. CAL6ACO, Ar\>irietr*'69. Ai>rl2-Sms JUST ARRIVED, 5 5 q BABY • CARRIAGES OF ALL STYLES, w •?- 3 \ S IX THE LATEST FATTERXS. “H0US E H 0 L D SEWING MACHINES Haxd Sewixo Machlxs8, [#*"AU Wiih tbe La’.e>t Iniproremont>‘'>3 PAKLOli Ors:ans, Griiitarr Aad Otber Mnsica! Instrnment^ Wines, Liquors, Beer ALWATS OK HAKD. AXD FOK SALE BY ED. HOFFSCHLJEGER 4 C0. Kiafi St„ oppo. C«t>U« & Cooke*s. TO LETor LEANE. Ahouae on King Street next to T. K Walker’s peemiae conUining |wrt:«r, dining xoom and tb«* bedrooaw, basides kitcb*n lnthraom «UUw iad aM modere e mrecioocnpi«d by Mr. Bu*bee.