Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 193, 20 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Pl'RIFIED WATEB. ]Vo Microtoes. fc» dKD bt the ooewouimuwo SODA WATER WORKS COM PAN Y—LimitdL Tlx03r tJ3.e Fcuntaiiis Tlixo\3.Ē‘ja.o'U-t tiie City. ueimm o.ne rpvirs as CiystSLl. rr TEC IT. -cs HOLLISTER & CO. Iuiporters. Wuo!esile u:ul Ketiil Deulers iu nn.e Cigr3.rs,! Xo"baoco, vm Smokeis A.rtioles. Agems for ihe Celebrated o. n. n. pipi :s, made in paris auic« Benson, Smith & Co., The Corner DRUG ST0RE Pare Drugs, Pine Perfnmes, Prompt A.ttention, Low Prices Corner Fort Hotel aul C Will on AUGUST Ut Ilenaove from his preaent 3tore on HoteI strcet, to tbe plaee formerly oeeuoie»! by Benson, Smitu A '-'o., on Fort 3treet. After I get settle<! it will be to your advantagetonote the prices, et<*., tbat will appeir in ihi- oolumn.

290 Ring Up 290 ITnited Carriage j Company, I M. REIS & J.C. QUINN! Capt. Wm. Davies, IiigLrer, Stevedore and Wrecker. ESTIMATES AXD C0XTBACTS OS ALL KISDS 0F WORK. SUamer Waimanalo will run regular to Waianae, Waialua and ! Way Landing. lnqnixe at offioe o l J. S. Walkek 3Tet i Spreckel’si Eaak. (eb U-tf-|T§e World Do NjOVE AXD 90 I>OES ll'he - f£essenge7 - £ersrice who have mouuted their Messengers on Columbia - Bicvcle« They wiil deliver Fackages (ud ta 50 lbs. weight) and Messages quicker tban by any other method cbe*per too. “ Don't be a CUm.” Bave tlme ar.d monev by uaing the Messenger Ser?ice. L. M. JOHSSON, Managor Muluai 599 Tel: Bell 559 jyo 3m

MACH!NE MADE POI! FACTORY, : : KALlHl. Taro PIant?, Fresh Tops aml Uaw Tan» at .ill times. Uing Up Mnlual Telephone .'>77. Beli 34'. W. L. W1LC0X, jy-5 Man»ger. ftojJHEwtTHīi p«cK s;Tq,\i>. COKNKR oF Nuuanu and Beretauia Slreets. 5G1 /— Botii Telephose3:— > 5<;i GOOD, UELIAULE a.no jy27 tf C1VIL DRIVERS. # Gusf. A. Mauer, HAWAI1A.\ HOTBL BARBKR Ladies Sham.j>ooiny a 9perialty. Hoaolulu. au£4. Chas. T. Ouliek notary public For the Island of Oahu. ! Agont to Take AcknowledgmeDta to Labor ContracLi. | Agent to Grant Marriage Lioen863, Honolnln, Oahu. Agent for the Haw’n Ialands of Prrr A Scorr , 8 Freight and Parcels Express. Agent for the Burlington Ronte. 'M £sta!a BMer a£iteral Bell Tel. 348; Mni. T©1. 139; P. O. Box 415. 0FF1CE: No. 38 MERCHANT Street Hoaoioia. H. I*