Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 24 August 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp’y. [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian Hardware Comp’y.

July 34 )8d4 In - Puddenfaead Wilson’s Philoscpby” Mark Twain says: ‘ Put all of yonr eggs in one basket — and watch thal basset. EgfT 3 are not lbe only tbings to whieh tbis applies, we ean make it fit stoves and cbange eggs into doil«rs aud m.ike it read—lnvest your eoin in a Pansy Stove —and the stove wiil watcb itself. \N e bave been watcbing these stoves for the p >st five years. and fiud tbem tbe best iron stove sold m this market for tbe rnoney, Wbere else than at onr store e.m you get a store that will do overy tbing that a f50 stove will doand g-t it for 815? Eeho j ‘tbe plaee isu’t built.’ We have sold Lnndreds of these stoves in Honolulu, and never had a eom pluint. Two weeks ago. we sold 1 one to a gentleman ou H.»waii and yesterday be ordered anotber for a friend. The stove sells itself through its fuel saving qnalities. aud becanse, it is a good baker. You eun get otber styles of st>ves if you aro uot particular as to tbe quantity jof fuel you buru or how yoar food is cooked. There’s no dyspepsia in mea!s prepared on a PANSY We received last week a lut of wire clothes-lines tbat hold | washed clothes without nsing pins. Jt is a sort of donble wire arrangement and the pieces are beld in between; the barder tlie wiud blows the tightertbe pieces are beld to tlie liue. Theve is absolutely no danger of tbe clotbing being torn as tbere is uotbing sharp about tbo line While tbe cost is a triHe greater than rope, tbis new style wili last so mueh ionger that it is eeonomieal to buy tbe pinless liqf. The CLAUSS is one, of tbe new fangled siw-edge knivesthat cuts warm bread witbout leaving it heavy and iced eake without m>iking crombs Tbere are two or three d tfereut imkes of tbese knives, all on the same pnneiple and eaeh one prouounced tbe best on earth by tbe inanufac turers, We selected tbe Clans-', whieh we believe as a disinterested spectator to be better tban its neighbors. You uever had anytbing iu your life that give as mueh satisfaction for a doliar. If you were boying tbe otber sort you would get only one. Tbe favorite sewing maehine ! in any community is tbe one that does the n>ost for tbe le ist money and whieh runs the easiest. In tbe “Wertbeiiu” you bave a maehine that sews tbree distinct stitches—Tbe Loek. Chain nnd Embroidery and runs easier tban any olher maehine, and you pay twenty dollurs less for it. Eeon- ' oray stands boldly every side when you buy « Wertheim. In tuc<iug tbe ehain stitch is pn>1 ferable, but in other kinds of work. tbe loek stitcb is ffie best. lf yon buy a maehine tbat sews the loek, uuless it is a Wertheim. it won’t sew a ehain stitcb. There’s no particular saving in bnying a maehine with but one 1 stitch, tbe Wertb©im does three aud saves yoa iots of tronbie and work. We’ve just unpaekeil six casks of »taud lampsthat were built for • hard times. They bave m«tai bases and are decorated so as to make a very neal appearance in a room We dou t ihink you ean get as good a lamp any wbere else for tfae money, try as bard as yoo please. Our stock of Uble cotIery, spoons and forks is as Sarge as you will fiad in asy store in San Franoiaco, and our pneee coiupare favorablv with thoso in New | York. j fkc Hinui Harti 8« & 107 Fort