Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 24 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

PANĪHEON SALOON, roRT AXD Hom ST5He3®rt?rs Est?rpme Bnwāi Ci. Larg*st ConsignfTienl of Beer that ever arr ved »iere, no - » on Draoght »,14 J. DODD. Prof»’r PIONEEK Stcam CANDY Factory. Rii« l'RV «ud lee (’mnu Parlors I , ~~ ' ¥ >(ORN W^1863 1894 rKACTiCAL CON FEC TION EU AND ORNAWENTER In ali hra..chfs of ihe kliww o>% lhcM ūlami*. Amcricmn. En<U»t», Grnn»n »nJ Frrnch PASTHIES M»Jc to Order BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CAKES M»Je ot the Ver_v Best M»terial »nU at Rt»?c*ual>le Kalea. Fo,mily 6raham &. Fancy Bread Altcoy* on Ha»d. 4I.L COWEtTIOXER¥ Manuf»ctared at My Estab»shincnt Arc Gu»raiiteed lo be PoAitiwly Pur« and Sold 4t Prices no othcr cstabU'hiaeDt eau eouipele «ith. fflT FACTORY AND STORE, No. «I Hotel Street. Honolulu. Buth Teief’bones N’o, 74. Jy3G Club Stables Company, $. F. Ijraham, Manager Livery and Feed Stables,, FOKT 8TREET, between Hotei ?»ud BereUui.t Streeta. Honolnlu. B<.lh Te!ephooes A77 jy23 Im Long Branch -8ATHlNGEstablishment. Thi» Fir?t-Cl;t» Bitbiog R*8ūrt ha» been '. eil .rg»-<J #nd is novr opeu lo the pub!ic. lt is the best plaee on the to erjoy a Bath. »nd there ia no better uUee to !»y off. Siiecial for f>ad;es. Tr .mcjrs p«»« the d »or every half bour und on S*turdays acd Sundays erery fifteen minola». C. J. SHERWOOD, jy24 Propnetor. Ernpire Saloon, | iAMEo OLDS, Paor»trro». pine Wiiiea, Liquo?s. 3eei alwas ox haxd, Cornet Nouaaa uul Botet Stw»a. i B«U T*tepLooa 34J. Po«t Ofloa Box 107