Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 196, 27 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
I ' --■> 1- . * ! IUfI BEIEDIES. WILL me^mKM^U^ouUM. . *2 S*a ■! *w. Cwa- :• pi»fRt». aad P!i« b li» rp« fc(*. Hrpr-t »r» Rkrt»li»4 tLtt H «III r«r» ! lnmr. TV> -rt T»jrUkl» B»aif4l« iad <an V ..«»-1 Bnr tbe tio»s <farttcaM' and the >i«*p»l eiiua. Pr<w a-'kia !!» r»*rk ot aU. S‘M Sr» Hr*. r.«.C>IUw«r, !•* Kiat •!«♦«, *•■ Ko. «*jrr Hanaonv ««;<. H ooinia x K0fISS. THE 1>DESSH;\ED IUTia2 bee* daly *?poio!ed T«ap«>r*rT Ad*is’«tf»!o?- of the £*tate of J **rB Hewo Pn.*, (k) Ute af Puoa, Hooololo. UaKo. «kre3wed. N >!ko is berebr tiveo to all cnJitO"» of the JeeeaseJ to p—Kmt their ehiiu wbether secored by \! ■ rijc**e, or otherwise. dBly acttbendic-*ttf'i sod witb the proper toaeher», if anr ea«t to the na<J«*rsĀraē<l «ithin sii tDon:ī»> frt ta tbe datt bereof or tbee wili be j foreTe.* hwrred; aiwi ail pmoai iodēbted to tbe «atd deeva*ed arc rn)«e»t to eiake itaaediato pajaieot at the of S- K K i-NK. Coraer of Klag aaJ B- tb<l Streets, Cp-»tair». 3 K KAN’K. Tnnp>'nry At)rntni-lrator of tbe Ēstate of Joaebh Ueaoo P-. Ie, deeeas<xl. Honololn, Aagust 13W aog I6-Sw ■ AOMiNiSTRATION S N0TiCE. THE l NDER3U<NED haTiag been Jaiv appointed Adminlstnitrix of lue eifate a( II. K. KaaiauE (k). Ute of UalanU, Kohala. I;laud of Hawaii. dece*sed. Notice U hereby (fiven to all ereditors of tbe decea*ed lo p-ē»ent U»eir c’aims w1ietber secured by Mortgage or otherwise dn!y anthendica!ed and wiih the proper Toucb«rs. lf anv eiUl, to lbe nnderssgned wiihin sis months from the date hereofor thec will be forever barred: and all pcrsoh* indebted to the said deeeased are re<}uest to make immediate payment st tho Otfioe of 3. K. Ka-jie. Corner of Kins: md Bethei 3treets. Cp*taira. MR3 NAOMI KAAIIU E, Admluistratrix of lbe Estate of U. K. K.uiuie, deeeasedHonolnla, Angus 14 1SU3. 8w
W AXTED. Three bright Hawaiian Girls t o the famous VlAVI REMEDY. App!y at the oiliee of the Viavi Eemeily ou Kiog Street. aug6 F0R SALE or RENT. I Piano, 1 Organ and S>wing Maehine inquire of S. t. B('RGESS. Beretani:v Street. CRITERION SAL00N, Weiland-Extra-Pale Lager Heep 2 Schooners for 25 Cts. jy!4 L. H. DEE, Prop’r Woven Wire Mattresses
Now, for the first time manufacturetl right here in Honolulu. the only man outside of the United Kingdom. who uses WIRE, whieh will not RUST; he having secured e*elu8ive rights to use the satne. PATRONIZE HOME INDUS< TRY ia a hackn«yed phrase. But if you want to buiid up a Nalion, industries must be fostered. Keep your money in your own islands, and buy a Non-Corrosive Soiid Comfoi 1 Spring Bed. made in Honolulu, whieh wi!l n t SAG or RUST, or, A Perfection Cot, Cbild's Crib, Verand»h Ch»lr, Three-Qn»rters Sioc’u- anil Fnll elie, Folding Wire Red.s, ARTICLES suituble to yoar climste; PRICEa aoitable to the times, as yon fiad them. For the 13est BED in the Market,
I recr)mmend the HARTFORl) WEAVE SPRING BED, T«ble Wire all through, WOV£N »8 fioe as elolh. So!id 4 ineh. Maple frarocs. Malieahie Castings, Warranted in every particalar.* Xever yet failed to give satisfaction. I ofier thrse goods to the nuhlie with confiience. haviog made tbem for vears, You ean now get yoor verr Larjre KOA BKDS, fitted with a WIRE MATTRESS. Any si*e made to order. Buy the BED of thc FCTl of T. H. Davie« » Oo. Lt'd., Hopp & C«k, Wiiiiama Broe., I. X. L. Onlway & Porter, or of the Maker WOV£N WIRE BAILEY, Hdel Street, Hoaolulu, (nexl door to Hom’a Steam Bakery.j ang 14-lm