Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 28 August 1894 — GENTLEMEN'S PRIZE. [ARTICLE]


FlR8T Pbiik Fme§t droaaed m«!e characterPanama bau Sec*uīd fincst dreseed male eha-1 ract«r: On«-half dozec silver! apoona. ■ Fanciett dreaeed male character: Box [100] finest Hivaua cigara. Second fanciest dreesed maie ohar cter: One eoal oil »tove. Best ‘Hard īiooee’’ maleehaneter: One bed rug. Beeides the above mautioned pri*.-a others will be given out, at the di8entiou of tbe jndgc«, for wortbr represeoUtions. for saie at S:niih’s Shoe Store *nd the £iite lee Cream Farlqa. r. veryb»>dy eoiue and bave ihe heai time you e had oo tbe Isiaods. £verjbudy is iovited from tbe Preaident do«n. Przes oow on vi«w at N. 8 LEVY*S Storf 7ō Fort 6treet. auSSlw«t