Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 28 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

POIFIED WAIEK. KTo Miorobes. B C3£D 31 ras COS33Ln)ArSD SODA WATER WORKS COMPAXY—Lunited XlX© 3T : tixe Fo\nn.t©Llns Tliio e ULg - 23.o"vLt tlie Oity\ EICEPTING 0>T 2Ptjlx© as Cr3rstalrr IX. aug7 HOLLISTER & CO. Importera, Waoldsale aml Retiil Deal*rsiia nne Cig*axs, SmolxirLg: To"bacoo, and Smolsexs -^.rtiolesAgents for ihe Celebrated O. B. T>. PIPES, M.\DE I> PAR1S »ng? Benson, Smith & Co., The Corner DRUG STORE Pure Dnio;s, Eine Ferfumes, Prompt .*Vttention, Low Prices Corner Fort & Hotel Sts. aul fr ' 9 V £ S. Will on AUG1’ST lst Remove fiv»m h<9 pre?«nl ?t 're on Rotel street, to the plaee formerly occuined by Benson, Smith ife Co. t on Fort atreet. AfU*r I >tet »ettled it will be to vour «dvanl«ge to noie the prices. etc.. that wi 11 appear in this eolumn.

Woven Wire Mattresses Now, fnr the first time mannfactured right here ii- Honolulu. By the only man out«ide of the Unite<) Kingdom. who nee? \VIRE, whieli wiil not Rl'ST; he s*:ured exclusive rigbts to use the eame. PATRONIZE HOME IN0U8TBY * i§ a backneved pbraee. But if yoti want to buiid up a Nalion, indue tries muet be foetered. Keep yoor money iu your o*n aud buy a { Non-Corrosive 8oiid Comfot1, Spring Bed. made in Homlulu, vbich wjH n- i SAG ot RU3T, or. A Perfeetk*a Cof. ChUd‘» Crib. Verudab Chair. Lonoje, Tbr««-Qaarteri S ; oir!r FoIl ōue. FoMinf Wire B*<U ARTlCI.ES saitib!e to V'‘*ur climste; PR1CE3 s.»itjb!e U> lioee. a.- yoo find theoo. the • Bect BED in the Market, I rec-«mruend the HARTFDR1) WEAVE SPKlNG BED Trrbl*. Wire all thro>igfa. WOVEN »8 fii« as ob/tb. Soli>l 4 ineh. Mapie fr'mrt. Maiieahle* Castings, Wurranttd in tv“ry par—t»culsr. yet failed togire I offer th« se go da to tbe pnhlie w:th oonfidenc«. hivlog made tbetu for yean. You ean now get your very