Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 197, 28 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

I Golden i Rule | Bazaar, Depot for asd| PEBfODICALS bv everv incomsDg Kt-earaer. Snbscriptiooa Payable in ; Advance. ♦ * DOMESTIO " 8EWIN0 MACHJNE8 , This Maehine 's tlie Kmg of 1 all. On it von ean make a Loek- | stitch, Chai r n-stitch. Embroidery, Bntton-hnles, K'iAea, Tucks. Gnitars Lawn Tennis, B»seball. Croq«et. j Station«ry and Blank Booka at J3T Cash Prjces. 1 j Hand Sewing Maehinea from eight dollars and a h»if np. jjy27 . |T. H. Davies ' I & Co„ 1 X_.ixnlted~

Fresh Feed and Flour From WA8HINGT0N. Lion Fiour, Oats, Bariey, Middiings, Bran, Per “ Warrimoo, w Just to Hand. New Dry Goods Crookery, Hardware, Qroceries, To Hand. roB Bailey Honoiulu Made W»re Woven Matresses ana Hammocks CITY DRAYAGECO. Suad: Qoeen tnd Fort WhlU «od BUck 8and. Dr»jing Dom it īt«MMuib)« RitM. W. F SHARRCTT, WiHMl» ■;iy*»