Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 198, 29 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

The White House! 118 Nauano Avenue, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN I3L>\T<«03 \ Fu$t-cbft [loa$e IN EVERY RESI’ECT. Rooms Irom $1-50 lo $3.00 per Weet ! or 50c. per Day- * PAULLEMK K. PROPRIATOR. B**l! 132. aug 2J l>< iUM) M ASTEk'S NOTUE Sotice is nereby gi»en to all pewon» that tbere «re nt thc (toTeramtnit Eound »t ila kiki, t*o str«jed boises. 1 red mxre, white *pot on the foreheml. bn»nd iu>lescnbablj ou tbe leg, white ngbt biud kg. 1 red colt, wbite spot on tbe forebe»d, wbit« rigut biud leg. Any per»on ,.r per>on» own<ng tbeae horsee are reqneated tu eome »ud t»ke tbe mb» on or before 12 o’eloek noon, SATCJUDAY. aEPT. I. l!»t. JAMES KL’KONA, Ponud Masttr. Makiki, Ang 21. 1894. *og 21-lw. TUOM\S UNDSAY. Manufac(nr« J<wU:r (t* \b:Cthrn.aker. McIoernj Block, 405 Fort St. Uonolnln. ao20 Tj|e WoPlil Do NjOVE ASD SO IH'Ka - - SSmice who htve tnounted their Mcgsengers on Columbia - Hicycle« i » l ; \ 5 i 1 * They will «ieliver Paek <ges (on to 50 lbs. weight) aud .Mes!*.igei‘ qmcker than by nny otbfcr iueth>>d ai d chenp*-r t <o. “ I>on’i be tCl wn.” Snve tme and inooey by using lbe Meiseiiger 3ervice. L. M. JOH\SON. M»iu»r-r Mutaal 599 Tel: Bell 559 jra 3m KISG CP MCTCAL TELE. 313. N1EPER S Baggage Express, uaee, 229 Fort Sl,, Hooololn. H I. B ggigv and Purn:fture Carefully Hand!ed »nd Deiivered at Sri«>rt Notice lo All P»rta «»f the C:ty. Staod oo Cor. i>f F»rt «fe Qi:een Su. jj« F0R 8ALE. A P15E “ MIDXIOHT ’* 8TALUOS oolt beloogiag lo P. D. lāwnb«rg. TW ooil «m b* »r«a iu Um PASra*OS MTABUt tam lo-aooww. tf.