Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 198, 29 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

macfarlane a co. Dealen in Wine* <ind SpiriU >.*ahonumo Stre«, Hooolole. H. E. McINTYRE Ā BRO., OBOCERi Feed 8tore a B%krri. Corner o! Kiug and Fort Sts.. Honolula J. PHILL1P8. PRACTICAL PLCMBER, GAS.FITTEB X>PPER-SM [TH, Hooae and Ship Job Work Promptly Execnted. No. 71 King Street, Honolnlo. Db. MeLENNAN. Fort Slreet, above H"tel. Muinal Teiephone 684. for offloe; 287 tor residence. jy28 ED. C KOWE. Hou*i Sign and Oinamenial Painter. Manufacture of Liquid SIating. 620 King Street. augl LEWI8 J. LEVEY, hieul Estate anei Oenei-al Auctioneer. «nd Quecn Stre«ta. Honolnln PeKonal attention given to Sales of Farnitore, Real Estate 8tock and Gener?.. Meichandi8e. Mntn.il Tdeohone ‘238

H. LOSE, Xotarv Public. ColIector and Gcneral Bwiness Agent. Pnleniee of Lose’s Chemical Cosipodnd for Glarifying Cane Jutce. Snh-Agent for several gt the Best FIRE INSURANCE GOS. Mntu*i 'l’eleplione s. P. 0. Boi 338. Mercbnut street. Honoluln. iK ’ “ “ FAT BOY.” BAY 8AL00N ! P. McINEUNY, l ROPBirroR, Fine Liquors. Wines anei Beer. Co8nkr Bkthei. asd Hono. 8ts. Honolulu Carrlage Manufactory 1 *□£ W W. WRIGHT, Pk.ipribtob. (Succes»or to G. We#t). Cakriage BLILDISG «d repairino. V AU Ordert from tbc Otber l»l*nds in uie C»rrlncc Buildiug, īnunnioe »nd Painlin? Lioe wlll MeH with Proropt Attcntion. Black»m:tbine in AIl Its V»riou» Biucmj Done. P O. Box No». 128 »nd 130 Fort Strect.

W.S. LUCE Wine and Soirit Merchant Campbell Fire-proof Biock, \IERCntANTfiT. HONOUUiU. | CPIXESE ('HRRlfl6E C0)IPAS f. S3> Both T l.EPHONE* 33o H:ick Siand CoriHT King aud M unuWt*n S re*U. Haek» at AH : H<mr«. jy27

Anchor-:-Saloon Ei **AUSTRALIA," Another Iuvoioe of the Worid ’ Ronowned FREOERICKSBURG UGEfi BEER On dnmght and by the kep. Also. as a Specialty. Shall Fresh California 0YSTEPS, FO U COCKTAILS owyl 3»f