Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 200, 31 August 1894 — LADIES' COLUMN. [ARTICLE]


We have matle tb is tli9Ct>veiy ltut when the tiile of tr ide j one way there w *lw»y3 * eaoae for it That theiv «re few. % vrry | : fev. who bay of trs ool of wmplimeul, but like the maāaee. tbey buy here becaose they ean do the best. because tbe vanely,; tbe qnalities aml prices are bere and Jefy critioism t We have not .in Cnj»*r*llelled Bargain Houae full of Sinoke. J Fire <m i Water or Pauie Prices ' —but a boaā« vbere go»xis .ire 3old at a profit to us —a jusl and good value to. lf yoa vant more | than tbat, yon wili bave to fiud some PhiUntbropic (?) mercbant who woald uot recognize bis gooils ucder a searcb ligbt Eumienl pbysicians beheve in a frequeat cbunge of UNDERWEAii Notbiug roorv bas sucb a decidt-d bygieuic eflect npon the systeiu, or sbould be cb mgeil i as often Notbiug adds U> your j corofort iuore, or sbould doroaud . such close iusjvectiou. We :ilways i tbought wo carried nbe BEST stixk iu Honolulu. aud we know ' ] we bave never been uuder»old, Let us sbow you onr MU8L1N UNDERWEAR the triniroings aloue are wortb iooking ut. Sometime ago we 3|»oke about P. D. Corsets —»roiles and eom- | fort, etc. The demand for tbem caused ns to 'ruu short of many sizes —fortunately wo had u large order plaeeil direct with tha fac* tory iu Brussels. Tbo goods are ; i here and your aize is with fhem. Talking ahout Direct lmportations, — it means tbe mauufacturers’ profit aml our profit. No middle men —tbere is saving for you, aawill beseeu in eiubroidered k and scollo|)ed IIANDKKRI eillEEiā from ?=‘200 per dozeii up. FL.\NNELEITESat 8 yaJds for $1 00, B. F_EHLERS &. C0.