Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 200, 31 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
The Whlte House! 118 Nuuanu Aveuue, HONOLULU, HAWAllAN ISLANDS \ Fipgt*cla$ 1 IV FVERY RESI’KCT. 1 Rooms from $1-50 to $3.00 per Weet i or 50c. per D a/paul lb:mkk PROPRlATOR BeiI Tel*,*i>h.>ne 132. Hiig 22 PUU\D MA>TEk8 NOTUE' Notic« w nereby given to all persoue tk«i : thcre are at the Governnjent Poun*l at Makiki, two strayed borec*t. I re<l mare, wUite | «polon the forehca.l, bntmt initescribabl> |on the leg, white right himl leg. 1 • re<l oolt, white sput on the for«he.id, whit<- | right hiud Ieg. Any pemon or j>ersoni> owning thcsc hontc« ; are rctiaeete<i to i-oiue tuni take tbc nu | or bciore 12 o’eloek noon, SATC11DAY, SEPT I. 1SM. JA.MF5 KL’KONA, Ponml Mast»r. Makiki. Aug 21, Iat>l. ang 21-Iw. POUND MASTEKS NOTICE. Soticc ih beteby girm to ali persous tha; there are at tbe Gu>tmincu! Poami at Ma kikL six strayed hoMea. 1 n-d borre, »bitc spot on tbc forcbcad, brao<led J K N ou the left bind leg, pooriy condltion. 1 »hite home, bnudcd A C ou tbe k*ft biud leg, poorly eoaditk>o * 1 biack bor>ē, branded Ton Ihe lelt hbid S i*fl rcxi borse. wbite »po! on tb« hoek. brmndI <d J K on tbc ngbt biod teg 1 white bora«, bntnd iodiscribebic on ?br rigbt bīnd ieg, poorly conditīon. 1 prer bo«c, while >poi oo the furehesd. tbree while feet, braod tndi*CTibab>e on tb« left biud lcg Any peraoo or peraoo» owing tbe»e borae» are rēvj«e*ted to eome and Uke tbc aaine on or betore L' o'eioek noon SATl'KDAY. SEPTEMBE8 S, I«M JAMEh KI KON.A, Ponnd Ma»ter. Makiki. Aug. 27. I9W. aug 27-lwdly “ i i. i 290 Ring Up 290 United j Carriage Company, M. REIS t J.C. QUINN i 1 | I THOMAS f lNDSAY. - i Manufaciart Jewter Jc Wucthmakfr. Mclseray Koek, 4oō Fort St, Uonoioln F0B 8ALE. A FINE •• M1DNIGHT * 6TALLION ; eoh b«longisg to P. D. Iaenbexg. The oult i eaa b* «w at ihe PAXTHĪON STABLE 1 fruB Vv»«fTow. tf. *