Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 203, 5 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

ARRIVED ‘‘ ■ French aod Scotch Ginghams (’now) . .10c., 2l)c. »nd 2ōc. Victoria Lavos (new>. 10 yds for .. 7oc. White Dr?ss Goods (new) . 10c., Lk*. . J0c., *2ōc.. 3(Vc.. 3oc. Whiie aod Colored Dimities [new} *20c. aud LlanneileiU. all colors. (new. 10 yds for ... J5n*he old maxim—“īheee i» nothing new under the sun” —knoekeil out. Call and be convincevl. M. S. LEVY, Who is now settlevl in Benson, Smith Co. * 01d Stand, Fort Street Pl T EIFIED WAĪEE. 3Vo Miorobes. IS USEb BY TiIE OOXSOLIDaTED SODA WATER WORKS COMPANY—Limited. X3n.G37" tlx© 2 r, o\xrLtaixxs TlXIOULgrliOVLt tlx©'l Oit3T, EXCEPTIN<« ONE as Cr37"stsil TET IT. aug7 HOLLISTER & CO., Importers. Wholes»le and Ihd.itI Dealers .in . T*ixxe Oigra.xs, Sxxxo3riixgr To"bacco, ANU Sxno]xexs -A-xticles. Agents for the Celebrated a. B. T>. PIPES, MADE IN PARIS Benson, Smith & Co. The Comer »• DRU6 ST0RE Pure I>ru^s, Pine P©rfumes, Prompt Attention. <feKr Ijow Prices Oomer Fort & Hotel Ste. aui