Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 203, 5 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Meat Market Oppo. Qneen Emmi Hall E»t«biiHbeti 188: JOS. TINKER. BUyC^EF^ Maker of the Celehrat*'i Cambridge Pork §ausage ! Tby Thex. Meat Deliveml to Anv Part of the City aud Snbnrbs. Mntuai Telephone Nnmber Y0K0HAMA BAZAAR, — Corner of — HOTEL & NUUANl’ Sr« Silk and Crept!», Embroidered Hadkerchiefs. \Vindow Curtains, Str.iw Hata, Fans. Linterns. Has&et?. all » rt>; Hiehei», Tea and Breakfa?t Sets. Trajs, Flowcr Pots, Silk Bedquilia, Ramboo Screens, Neek-liea. Silk and Crepe Shirts, Japaiieso Toy3. Japanese Provisions by the wholesale. jy28 M URATA A CO. City - Carriage Biacksmith Shop 107 KING STREET D. BE[lT, M^na^e^ Blacksmith Work ASD Carriage Repairing PAINTING ;AND : TBIMMING In a11 its Branches, at Bed lloek Prices. Mutual TeIephone 382 Give us a Call audjudge for yourse!f. jy23 ADM!HISTSATI3NS»0TIC2. - THE L'XDERSI(1XED haTtna bwn Joly appointed T«.niponiry AJot:nl*tnit<>r of th> Ekta(e of Joicrii Ke**<> Pkle, (k)Iate of Paao», Honoluln. Oahn, decemMil. Sotice 1« hereby ghrcn to >11 credi(on of tbe deceased to pre*oit tbeir elaim* vbetber weaml by Morteace. or o(hrrvi««, July authcndicatcd and v!tb tbe proprr voucher«. if any csut to tbe und»r«i*i». d vitbin «lz month» frcra tbc Jatc bereof, or (bey vi!l be forever barred. «nd »11 penona inJebtcd to thc said decea«ed arc reqoe«t to make imm«dimte payraent at tb» Olliee of 9, K Ka-*b. Corner of Kim: »od Betb< l Stre«t». Up-*tair». 8 K. KAHE, Tempcnry Adminu>tntor of tbe E»tatc o( Joaebh Heano Pele, (k) deeeaaed. Honolnln. Anguat 14, 1£M. »ag 16-3v ADMINISTRATiON S N0TiCE. THE UXDKB»IGXED U*riag b*et> Jnlv appointcd Adminiatntriz of tbe eatat<- of H. K Kuui'i (k). lale of Haiaaia. Kohala. l»!aod oi Haaui. «ieeeaaol. Xottcc ia bereby gtrcn to all erediton >< the deceaaed U> p-eaent tbcir elaima vb«U»er «ecnred by or otbervi«o daly aatbeadicated «nd vitb the proper voocb«r». tf «f : «z»t. to the andcrai»nvj vitbln tix moalha from the date henoi >r tbev vtll tw (orvrer borred; and aU penona lodebted to tbe *ald deceaa«d are rcqaMt to make immediat*r payment at tbr OAee of S. K. Ki-u Coroer of Kin» ud Bctbel Streeu CpaWt» VBS. NAOMI KAAIHLE. AJmLoi-tr»trii of tbe Eatatr o( 11. K. Kuihii, Jccea«d. Uoeolola, Aogoa 14 1996. 3w. HūVenl(ee^ljū. Tinsmiths and Dea/ers -IXCrockery, GiAssware, <%c. WATKR PIPE3 L.UD AXD PLLMB1XG XEATLT RX1CLT*D !ioH X aoana āt. bet weee Kiog »ad Hotel Aacu BoUding jj62m SAM TEE HOP, No. 552 King Street, Deaier in Jalifornia ond Hawaiian Frnita md Yegetables, Goava Jelly, fea and Gmond Cotiee, Cjgarsetc, jy‘J0