Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 204, 6 September 1894 — VINDICATED. [ARTICLE]


Poliee- officer Sam Stone who, ( ] it will be remembered w«s reraoved from theforce ■ 'sbort while | «go as heing imj>lic«ted in the Langley bribmy case was tritd ■ in tbe district court tbis morn- ! ing and acqail&e<] bv Judge Perry. Tbe young officer wbo bas m«de bimse)f deservedly jK>palar will not enter tbe force again bnt be bas received a recommendution from Marsbal Hitcbcock whieh is coocbed in most eompIimenUn* terms. Tbe , “bnbery’' bosiness looks like a pnt op job by some jealoos or . over-zealous ofūcial.

> | l When Mr. H. F. Glade left Houolniu he was commissioned | hs Hawaiian cbarge d'«ffiirs to tbe Impenal Conrt of Germany. No official notice bas so far aj>j>earea eitber in Germ«n or Hawaiian papers announcing tbe ODrquatur of tbe great and good . umbassador. Is tbere a bitcb , t somewbere?