Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 209, 12 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 [ADVERTISEMENT]
rPANTHEON SALOON. rORT A3H> HOTEL $T? Seii53artsrs Eilenme Brs»m Ct Larg»*st CoDS)gnment of Beer I that ever arnved here, not* on Draught *, J. DODD, f*rop r Long I Branch ' -8ATHWGEstablishment. 1 This Fir3l-Clas? Bdthing Resort ' haa been en!argeii and is now ouen to the pub!ic, It is th« beat plaee on the ie!ands t<> enjoy a B;ith, and there ia no beiter nlaee to lay off. Special accommodatioo9 for Ladies. Tramcare pas8 the d*>»>r every half hour. and on S>turdaya aud Sundays every fifteen minutea. C. J. SHERWOOD, jy24 Proprietor. L. B. KKRR S ANNOUNŪ EM ENT! I H.WE JT3T RECEIVED A LARC.E ASSORTMENT OF . F!XE St f ITINGS, ELEGANT PATTERNS, AN D LATEST STYLES. Theae goorL> will be 90H in »ny Quantity from a 100 Tabds Down* to En'oeoh to 3Iake a Sixole Scit ! —AXD AT— HiBD TIME PHIfESi II. I4KRR. . . importkr, Qneen Street. Septō-3m i\SSIQflEE’S S\LE! THE ENT1RE STOCK OE Wenner & Co. WII.L BE 30LI» Regard!ess of Cosf. sept ft-tt S. NISHIMJRA, Commission Men ham, 19 Nnuano SU»et, Honololu.
IirPORTERS tcj DF.ALER.-i iu JAPA.\ TF.A DRT 00008. 3ILKi* u>4 PB0VISIC58. 3l*w to od« bf Crrrj 9t*mmer. Tdpfaoce. 317. »ept 6—tf. SM0KERS, ATTENTI0X. Hoil «trr 4 0>. h»ve receive>i a ftmher r;pplf of the ceJebrated G. B. D pipee oirect from the £acti>ry *a weil u a new •***' »*nher ud meenehaam cinr and C’smrette h lder*. Alao wnx malehee. • COXSOLir>ATRD SODA WATER C0. (Lntmxp.) E8PLAN ADE: Cer. Allea t D d PortM., j j B«a»Uj a UOLLl6T£E 4 GO..