Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 301, 14 September 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

The do«tb of Mra. M.irr Hnn.tike 18 tuouuucod. Tiie dvceas**d *»« a most re?pect»ble H >««ii aQ !ady, for many ye «r* a rcsideut of I.ab«juH. A(Uong hcr i» mer006 Cbi!dreu *re Mcsdames Jjmrs Oafflpbo!J, OttjIjkmborg «ud \V H Mr>. H..u.;ke diod «t tbu rcj>.douco of Mte. Cam ; b«dl «ud 1(4 fun«-nii look piaee aftt moou. Tbe sv m- ! p«(bv 01 tbu OyjQnmjūiy iscx-t U*cded to tbo ol tbc uo I iiuly. >