Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 301, 14 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

LADIES’ I COLUMK. I • OUf\ QUICJC S^LES 9 ♦ i aXD Pnofiy P9 LIC Y is a far bett#r oue for tbe puh!ic t*»an the res£urectioo process kaowu as al Sales» Gpp&s l>elp\r C<>st etc.. etc., etc., . ,tt whieh tbe graves contaiuirg . g <xls of times gnue by »re jopened. aml the ino tleriiig-corp i »cs trotted «int to make a show ; One never gets special vahie at I s t!es; one miy get Low Prices f>>r Ressurected OooiU, but spe- • eial va!ne never. Spet i«l valuesare only obtained where yon seasouable gi)nds, whore Qmck Sa ! es aml sma I profits are the fundauient il piineipie of the house you are dea!iug \vith

EXPERJEfJCE WlLL YoJ TH‘S (if you do not rea!ize it now. Qiiick si!es aml small pn fits iuhhii a!so no .duil counters, uo du! good', !)iif new styles, in fact 1 g; ods that s li at prices tbut are just r;g t. H«ve y*m noticed an}' qf tbose L^dies ? Wv s T s we sj.oko of 1ast week ? If uot, you nre certainly not very ob -erving, for there h«s beeu more *>f them so'd hy us last week than was ever s*'!d 111 Honoluiu m auy two weeks. Qnick sales ud smali protits policy diu it Ouly a few < f tnem left. Tlie saiue tbing migbt be said of PvUsols We have sorne bnnilsome Umbrel:>ts aud l’araso!3 Twe!ve yards dress patterns of Oenuioe Irisli Lineu l.awns in coiurs. at $2. 0 a pattern l\emember the plnee; tbat if you have auy doubt, a eall nt our store w 1 1! satisfy you that a!l we sny abont Quick ISa!e and small ! rofits is a FACT. B. F. EHLERS & C0.


Sometimes where to go to pnrci«ase anv p»rticular aiiiele. bnf •>nt jf von happen to want anvthing in tbe line of -totists’ {auppllea, Ptcto»&

18 to or en!argea portmiU, there unt one plaee io Honolnln, . and tbat <* KIN6 BBOS.‘ Store, for wbicb !here is uo rival on tiiese fblo*nds. The fine*fe psintings in Hawaii. »re on exhibition in tbie gallery. The firm m«kes a speculty of enlnrging portraits as weil as iU’k:ng picture fraotes īn the rery L*teēt &tyles of mooldivgs.

Iq tbe sheet pieioiea. tiiey b»v« th«iaaaod» to «t»l«et fro*u oi *b;ch rhey utvite ao ioapeeliuo at auy txma. . V ... KliSrO BROS-, btreet, : Huooiuiu •u®. 3®-laa4iy.