Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 303, 17 September 1894 — IT'SA TOSS UP [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]


Sometimes wbere\o go to pnrcbase any particolar article, but not if you happen to want an.yi thing in the line of JM sts' {5upplies, p?ames, or enlarged portraite, tbere is bot one plaoe in Honolnln, to parchaseaii materials, and tbat's KING BROS.’ Store, for whieh tbere is no rival on these 1 lslands. I « Tbe finest paintings in Hawaii, are oa exbibition io this gallery, The firm makes a specialty of enlarging portraita aa well as makmg picture frames in tbe rery latest styiea of mouldings. Ia the sbeet pictnres, they have thoasaoda to aeleel from of «hieh they inrīte ae iaspoctioa at aoy time. KXTCO BROSr, Uota4 Street, : : ikaoiuio 1 *