Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 303, 17 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

TH()S. LIX13SAY Mt?rchaui Street. Hono’aln Sew St»nty ne* Je(9t!ry SUvrr and Dia om»h M;<aufnctore t > or.’. r. W«tches c!eaue«.i aml rej *ire»l all in and m?peot •• ī(aiiului Jiotel Kahului. Maui Si|(q. FROPRIAT01. eept ~~a WE ISVITE ALL SMOKER> To oall aml in«pect oor lato n.p.ir . o( thc celebn»U'.i ti. B. P. p pt-. . aiul c in»rvtte hr*Mers. hoi.listfra rn. , , I. m.-mn. — 1 1 1 71 :B0TH TELEPH0NES:Tl —C0SSOLIDATED—SUDAWATEB W0RK- ( 0. 1 1 iMrrrrn. Gust. A. Mduer, HAIIAS H0TKL i?.l RBKR Ladies Shampooin<j a alty. Honolulu. aug4 Chas. T. Mek N0TARY PUBLiC For the Island of Oaha. Agent to Take AcknowIedgm .ts to Labor Contracts. Agent to Grant Marriage Lieenses. Honolulu, Oaha. Agont for tlie Haw’n Islan«U f Pitt «fc Scott's Freight aml Parcels Express. Agent for the Barlington Koute Real Estate BroKer M Qener3i K ii Bell Tol. 348; Mut. Tel. 139; P. 0. Bux 415. OFFlCE: No. 38 MERCHANT Str«nt. Hnnnlnln K* 1 lq\/ēJoy & 00, WljoIegaIe Wiqe \ Dealefy 19 Nuuanu Street We would eall y<>ur sttention to Our Special Brands Longlife § Pure Cream RYE WHISKEY. Fredericksburg Beer au2 in casks or b<ittleY. LUM SING, Dealer in Fruits and Grocerios. Fresb Fruits by Every Caiift>rnia Steamer, Eresb island Butter from H*w.ii. 13-5 Forf Street. CoflFee Roisted. P O. Box lo9 Fresb lgland Produce, G ,_ )odā Delivered to Any Part of the City. jy21 Tai Wo Wing Kee Co. » XUVAXU STREET 06alers in Laiiiea’ «k Gents’ B oia and Shoes made to order. P O Boi 2G7 CHIN KEE, HORSESHOEIXG SHOP, Maunake« * Pauahi Street. Xew Mt «il n>*Dd • i 50 Old aet ail ronnd . I o.) Xext Door to Xo. 5 Hoqm. M|l 2STOTICE. - I» futnr» »11 BILLS |6r na>l«rtak:r.£ w.U w pajahk ao pwa*nti»tjoi». \V e oompel ee k> ieoort tu un* njl», oa neoM' i ot the mabditT to eollee» t gx> a»»>.hty our b»iU a#«r fa tu>r U aro oeer. wnmiiu BROS,,- ( i*i». A. V\ iLLi Aiio,