Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 303, 17 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

ehoiee f!orses j£L.t -A-“CLCtion. on Saturda7. - Sspt. 24, at 12 o’eloek noon, I will sell at Pnbl : o Anoi’ou in fnmtof my S »j« s R *oiu withot t reserve, tl»e fo;li wing HnrsES and Mares. 1 Fmnily bl«ck borse. loi bands 7 yeHrs old, broken to har- • r uess and s .dd'« 1 Rice horse “ XrMveler,” best i miie horse in the Hawaiun lslauds 2 Bay horses broken to sadd e and harness J Wh’te mare with fonl,' brcken U s dd e aad harness i WMte horse, broken to s«4dle and harneas 1 Stanford m*re “ llth Jone,” 1 ** wiih toal 1 Bosweli “ 3 years old LEWia J^LEVEV. - ~ - — AiCtM>oecr.