Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 303, 17 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Lost. I __ - | a GOLD *: S*tuxJ*v aflernoon on Emma : street, -b«tween-tb« -residenee of s | Mrs. McCartney and Mrs. Dole. 1 A reward will be paid to the dnder. • Address th:s office. se!3 Iw p ? | | Don’t Buy ! | Second-hand i t Box Matires3tj§ [ impoīiMl frora the Coast, load d with vprmin and perhaps infection IF YOU WANT AN i Uf»4o‘-STEf\ED^^JJF^ESS i Go to a respectable Dea!er and gr-t one made new, If the puhlie knew as mueh abont the I constroctioa of BOX Mj»ttresses as | they they wo;iid n t Buy | ' them. -They are miserab!e fr»uds at their best, you eannol tell what I they stuffed with. They are eombersome, uneiean and unhea!thy. and are at leasl 30 ycars behind the age, eannol be pnrch-ised in a * live g» ahead plaee in the East, - Buy - A Wciveii Wire MattrEss and ba well abre:ist with the times and when huying ask for Bailey’s- , Honolnln made. N'>n-corr>'sive Solid Corafort Spri> g Beds, then you will not be troubled with a b’ll of repairs every few months. i Buy a Woven Wire M tttress, A Xon-Corrosive Mattress, i A Honolulu Made Mhttres3, A Good Wholeaome Mattress 4 Not a Box M ittress. For sale by all respoctable dealers in the city and by W9VEN WIRE BAILEY. Hotel Street. Honolnlu, (next I door to Horn ! s Steam B ikery.j ē ang 14-1m Extra 0RD!NARY Good NEWS FOB HOUSEWIVES ard MAJRfMoN!- 1 ALLY /NCUNED MEN r S. Kubey & Co., I No 418 Nnuann street. ( oppo8ite Ci-clral Meal M»rket Second Hand Fnrnitnre Dealers. have imp *rted an ef,ormous amuuul of FURNITURE From tbe C’iast Ther are SELL the LOWEST PRICES I i Money is tight. and none of us hav- raore tlian we know wbat to do with. KUBEY k C). n-al'ie j this. and *re decrvasing ]>r.dts to snit the times |f vou know the raln<»nf money deal with 8. IDBKY <fe CO. f>r tn their st*»re, One D >11 >r g m f rth - er i*w rd buyiiig FURSXTUR£ Xhan Ihiee at any o|her pl«ce in - the town On Saturdav evenings, open to 9 P.M, Don’t f>rget the addrest> S. KUBEY k CO., Oppo. CeotXdl M. U»rxet P.S. Pers>>«>« bs»b«g Purnitore j < tu aeli« «iil do w«U Uy e >bmg un 1 1 u».