Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 303, 17 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

cr IXSim.VNCK,^ fire and mapine IHE M»KRbI»lSKD IS At'THoKIZKL> TO T.\KE KlKE am> MaKINE KISK> ON Merchandise, Hulls. Caro:oes ? and Commissiori5 At Cum*nt R;ites, iu the Following C*s^, namelt: BOYAL 1NSURANCE COM!*ANV. UN'EKKOOL. ALLIANOE ASSURANCE FiRE «fc MAKINE. LONOON, w ilhelma of madgebt:rg oenekal insubance co. SUN 1NSURANCE eOMl’ANV, SAN PRANCISCO. J. S. WAI KER, Agent for the Hawaiian Islands. Robinson liloele , līolel St., heheeen Fort aml Xuvanu, Have Just Bcceiv«d. |er late Airnuls. tLt 1 Flctl cf fUB NITUKE Ever lmported to this Country, Comprising Handsome Carved Bedroom ists ln Solicl Oak, and ot thc LATEST DESĪGA'S. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N IS CALLED TO TilESE SETS: WAH.E5, Beaut fol Des : gns of Wicker Ware, consisting of SOFAS, CBAIRS. ROCKERS. etc.,voii ean get these in nny FINISH vou clesire. CHAIRS, Couutless numbers of CHAIRS, in even* stvle, inc)uding OFFICE and HIGH CHAIRS. TABLES, Wo lmve had a nhraber of calls for these Tablos, with CHAIRS to match. We have now in stock Ihe most BEĀUTIFUL DINING R0DHIE rUHNIJURE / EVER SEEN HERE Sideboards and -:- CMffonier» 5. DI ~KTA. HNr Divans coveretl with P0RT1ERS ure becomi!i»qaite tlie rage in plaee of LOUNGES -we iunnufacturo ti:eiu Ēo ordcr. and havo a Iaigo stock of P0RTIER8 to seb ct from. | 3EDDI2ST ■«r _ Grent Assortmeht ofWOVEN WIKE MATTTi/.S6ES—Spnug il,.ir. Moss, Wool aud Straw Mattresses on hau.r aud made to order L1VE GEESK FEATUEKS «nd S1LK FLUSS fov IM ows CK1BS, CKADLES. etc. W1ND0W SHADES of all colors aud siz - COKMCE POLES, in wood or br .ss triraimngs. 33 E I X 3T;0-. M«ttresscs, Loongos «ud all Upbolsteroil PuniHun* iepairod at naaouakle rttt*s. CABINET MAKINO, in ail its branchos, by Corapet«nt \\orkmen. MATTTNG LA1D and lut rior Decortti:tg under the Snpervision of Mr. GEORGE OKDWAY. Our t.otxLs .ire F rst C1 >ss, aud our pricos art: tuo iowest Come and t>e c.>nviuocd —a tri • 1 iss dic ted. Bell 525. TELEPflOKEs: Mutnai 045 OKDWAY A POUTER, Kokiuaon Biock. heiween Fort «nd Nnnanu TKI> »*MO.\ts; Bell 351 Mutual 4 17 JiEMlU£NVE; Mutual 110 P. O. Box 117 F. B. THOMAS, v ū L * C0NTRAGT0R and BUILDER hl-i( iuiates Griven on All Kind: or H, IKON, n 4 l'M MliKi Ail Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade # Attended to. KEEPS KOH 8ALE: Bncs, i-ime. Comeut. Iron Stonc Pipe and Fittiugs, Oid >i' New Corrugated lron, Minton.Tilee, Quarry Ti es, assorted sites aud coiore; Onhioiou «na Monterey Sand, Grsmite Curbing and Bioeks, ele.. ele. t Corntr King d Su;iJi Su. OFFICB dl YARD: Office Hours. bto u M., ( .* *c 4 P II.