Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 303, 17 September 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

OCEANIC Steams?|ip Co * Timo Taby. LOCAL LIXE.

of k- S. S. ALSTRALIA. V, Amve Honolula Leave Honolnla from S, F. for S. F. Aug. 11 r... Joly 21. SepL Aug. 18. Oct. G Sept. 15. at| Nov 3 Oct. 13. Dee. 1 Nov. 13. Dec. 8. m >7 r J?hrouah I-une* From Sau Fran. for SyJney. Arrive Honolulu From Sydney for Sau Franclsco. Leava Honnlnln

nonomiu. Alaraeda. Mari[>osa M-nowai AlameUa July 26 . Aug 23 .Bept 20 .Oct 18 8AL00N. Comer aad Nnaaan Stret?ts. EDW. W(i,TEU.... Manager. The Finest seh»noa of LIQUORS aad BEER, sold anywllre in the town. * First-c!ass uttenmice. Coll and jadge for yonrself. I no 80- *f. B. BERGERSEN, Geueral Ai:eut for .SING-ER


All Kinds of Needles for Sale and Repairiog Done. Damoo’s 6Iock. BetLel Street, Honolaia. P. O. Box 440. jy21 Capt. Wm. Davies, Ris:srer, Stevedore and Wrecker. ESTIUATES AXD COXTRACTS ON ALL K1NDS OF WUHS. Stcanaer Waionnklo wiU ron regnlar »o W4Ī.m»e, Waialu» *od Way Landir.g. Ioqait« »t oOoe o < J. S. W±uu* WjKrtL