Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 1, 19 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Lost. A crOLD PIN set wiiu Pe»rls, Satanlav ailenioon on Etnma street, between the residence of Mn». McCartnev an<3 Mrs. Dole. A reward will be paij to the dnder. Ad<lress th s office. se!3 Iw Don’t Buy ; ' Second-hand Box Mattresses %. , imported from the Coast. load d with vermin and perhaps infection IF YOL’ WANT AN Uf>HOLSJEf\ED^^JJ^ESS Go to a respectable Dealer ac«l one made new. If the {•ub ie knew as mueh about the construction of BOX Mattressea as they onght, they wonld n t Buy them. They »re miserab!e fnods at their best, you eanuol tell what i they stuffed w:th. They are eombersome, unelean and unhealthy. and are at least 30 years behind the age, caonot be puroh-ised in a iive g> ahead p'.aee in tbe Eust. - Byy - | il¥DYEn Wire MattrESS j aud be well abreast with the times nnd when buying ask for Bailey’s Honolulu made. Non-corrosive Solid Corafort Sprii.g Beds, then you will not be troub!ed witb a bill of repairs every few mo itbs. Bny a Woven Wire Mattress, A Non-Corros;ve Mattress, A Honolulu Made S3&ttress, A Good Wholesome Mattress* • Not a Box Mattress. For s:ile by all respectable dealers in tbe city ami by W0VEN WiRE BAILEY, Ho#el Street, Honolulu, (nexl ! door to Horn’s Steam B.ikery.) aug 14-lm Extra 0RD!NARY Good NEWS FOR .... H0USEW/VES and MATR!M0N 7ALLY /NCUNED MEN. S. Kubey & Co., No41S Nnoanu sireet. opposite Central Meat Murket Second Hand Fnrniture De.iltrs. have imp >rte<l an enorm<*us anioanl of FURNITURE ! From the Coast Thev are prepared to S£LL the 6est Articles at L()\VEST PR1CES Money is tight. ar.d none nf ns have m<*re tlian we know what to do with. KUBEY <k C>. rr-al ze this. aod are decreas ng pn fits to suit the times If vou know the va!ueof monev deal with S. vUBEY k CO. f r in lheir 8ture, One D-»ll*r g >€5 f irther tow:*rd buyi«»g FfBSITUH£ iiian three at any otber piaee m the town On Satordav erening5. open to 9p.x. DonT forget tbe additss S- KUBEY k CO M Oppo. Ceulrai M. Maritt PjS. Peraoi » haTiog Puraitare to aell, will do weii by c«liing on u«. SeiO tf