Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 1, 19 September 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

City*s Meat Market Oppo. Qno> n Emma Hall, E>tablished 1S83 ,108. TINKER, fAf* !L T 81)70^^ Maker ofthe Cflel*at’:i1 Cambridge Pork Sausage ! TbY XHtM. Moat Delivered to Any Part of the Citv aml Suburbs. Mutual Telephono \nmber |Y0K0HAMA BAZAAR, — Corner of — HOTEL & NUUANU Sts. Silk imd Crepo8, Embroidertd Hadkercniefs, Window CurUins, Slr.i\v 11 t>. Faos, L nt* rn?, Ba3Hets.aH s >rts; Dishes, Tea and Br■ i<f • -1 Sets. Tn»js, Flo'.'er Pols. S k B:d<iu'its, Bamb»o Screer.s. Neck-t.es Silk nnd Crepc Siilrts, Japn,tH8e Toy*. Japanese Provisions by ibe wlun - sa!e. jy28 M U KATA & C0. City - Carriage M'F’Q- QoBiacksmith Shop 107 K1NG STHEI:T D. BEJSlī, M^na^ek Blacksmith Work ĀXD 1 ;)i *. ij PAINTING : AN1). : TRIM.M1NG In all it-» Bnric‘)PS. at Bed lb>ck Prices. Mulual Telephone 332 £Give us a C:»ll antl j dgt f»r yourself. jy23 ADMINISTEATIG;r3N0Ti:Z. THE UNDER8I0N'ED h;\\iti2 bcen <lulv appointed A<imini<(rutor o( iln E»tate t Peteuj Kakui. (k) late of Hono nlu, Oahu. deceued. Sotice is horct._v given to ai crv<iitor> r the deceasc<J to pri-sent tbe«r < Iairn-> wbe« sccared by Martea«re. or otbcrwise. <lnlv a_utbendicated snd with the pro|„T voacl«erv if any cxisl to the wit!iin -i\ niontbs frotn the dat<- hercof or thcv wil! (. foreve.-barred; and all person« indēbtcd nthe vaid deceased are reqnest to m.ike imtnediate paynient at Ihe Otlice of J. K. Kiixii, Corncr of Queen and Nuaanu 3lreeU, Up-«tairs. KAII.I PETELO KAKOl Administrator of the E*tate of P--! Kakoi, (k> deeēased. lionolalu, 8ept II, 18W. *ept II-5w YEE CHAX, DX4LSB IN Fiqe tj]od$ Fine Taiii*rin» Fine Chinese aud JHpancse H:indkerchnfs Nos. 31 to 33 Nuuanu St. H nolulu, P.O. Box 253. iy5 J. H. TRUSGHLER, H«ot Sc 8hoe makei'. 1-J0 Fori Slreet, Repair'ng, neatly Dune. oalf sole and heel with pegs, II.UO. Haif sole and heel eewiu<> $1.50. »u7 MEDEIR S&to. Merchant 'l‘ , uilox*> Ameiiean, Engli<»h aud Scotch Tw«eda uo iu,id. Fin>; cL.aa wurk gu.tfxut.ed. Molel St., uoder ArJu*:t< u ilou»! Liuoa Uooolaia. S. DECKUi,