Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 1, 19 September 1894 — THE BISHOP MUSEUM [ARTICLE]
porlenor Brip;?aui writes a very able lettcr to tLe Adcerii*er tbi* niorning in whie be exhort» tbe g -vernment t> »ss?st tbe moseum of wLicb he is Ji»otmrab>r in all poaaihle wjvs aml »t preaent ailow tbe iroportat.on of al eohol for nse at tbe fr?e «>f doty. lt is S' rpri»ing tflīt lhere sboold be uny be»itancy on tbe part of tbe g>veiuroent in tbia roatter rO sroall to the treaus ry an>l of «ocb vital importance to tbe rouseoro. Tbe B shop Muaeuni will in <lue tiroe prove itself a valuable adjunct to our •ducat»onal institutions a: d «11 meana sbould be used to make it i ag eoniplele and valuuble as possible. Tbe oppoeiliun from tbe AJ~ : verti»er to Professor Brigh«ra s modcht demand is not surprieing. 1 It would take raore tbau one letter to sbow to the Aippanl edit r of tbe official organ, the use and ’ value of n muaenni If he Lad used his eyes be inny have Iearn- ' ed sora(.-thing, wben be travelled at the v \j» nne of the Hawaii«D taxpayers in tbe capacity of b«rber, bootbluck or court jester, j wbatovor it was with King Kalukuua. Had he tben devoted his tirao lo visit ranseurcs iustead of the cafes cbantaut, l*il malnU | and otber ‘raissiouary institu tions, be wouKl Lave knowu euougb to koep bis inuuih sbut wheo a question relutiog to scienoe ainl ednc«tion confronted liim.