Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 2, 20 September 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp‘y. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Comp‘y.
i September 1”, 1391. If we remember correctIy the ■‘ehaHeīloo'' was tbe first of the ‘White Sqaadron ’ to visit Honoj li’.n. Her arrival on her secon ' is s;;II in the minJs of : were here on January ! 29. 1891. When with flags at i half-raast and yards cock-bujlt ! she entered port with the bo«.ly iof King Kalakana, the kind attentions shown by the officers to the King during the voyage to the United States and the. a’most sacred manner in whieh the bodv was goarded wli!lebeing borne to tne I?Iauds, endeared the ‘ Charleston” to the people of Hawaii. As mueh as it was in the power of the people, their ] appreciation w.iS shown to the othcers dnring their stay and when sailed they left graven on t blets of love and raemory. eviJences of their Aloha f'r Hawa.i. Few. if any, of the officers wbo wero here then are on the vessel now; sorne have reached the age of retirement and others ha\e gone to other vessels but the Cbarleston is still greon in the heart Hawaiians. Have you ever used a Pansy St ive? We have beeu selliug them for four or five years aud to-day they wear the “Yellow Coat” iu the erapiro of stoves. They aro rocognized by every oue, even dealers in other stoves, as a snperior artido and one whieh tbey do aot care to ruu up against. 0f course stoves may be bought fro;n people who are not dealers. We have people rnnning here everv day or two for firo bricks and parts belonging to stoves they bave bought froru other parties, and when they find they canuot get tbem tbey discard their stoves nnd bnv a “Pansv.” You see there v * is a disadvantage iu buying dear things at low pr’ces. Come to , us and get a Pansy at §lo 00 and : you get full value for your money. You don’t got a range for fifteen dolIars. mind you, but you get a first class stove that is worth Tbirty dollars to any ouo Our Eoady Mited Paints are s ; iteil to the wants of ueople who have a little painting they want to do themselves. Tho advantage in bnying a prepared paint is tbat you have the benefit of i the best mixors in the United St«tes without haviug to pay for it. Tho paiut is ready for uso | directly yoa take the top oft’ the ; eau a?ul if yoa don’t fiud it eheap- ■ er and better than any you e.in raix yourself we are mistaken in our experience - In California the : ainters are using the prepared article in preference to bnying lead and oils because they find it to their advantage to do so. We believe it is only a question of: time when the painters here will fall iuto line. Hanging lamps are in as groat demand now as ever. People seera to want something for lighting purposes that wiil give as gooel 15ght as tho^sun —they find it in tbe lamps wo are giving away. Oor eheap stand lamps are an cxcellent thing for a servants : room and wiil find a ready sale in the Island stores. We ean | supply any demand. for a single lamp thonsand. There’s lots of Hawaiians whose Kuleanas need fencing and we have the wire with whieh { to do it. We h&vea!so the ma- i terial for buiidiog a fence tbat I will last until long after the mi!leniam. Iustead ol paving a j hig’i price for posts, or even get- ; ting them for the cnttiog. yoar fence will cost yon less money if yoa buy steel stays and washers aod m.ike a Jones Locked fence. We have everythiog yon want I in the hardware and hoose forI nishiug goods Pne yoa wish. ! And we court investigatioft as to | t?ieir qoality and priees. ! , ffes Haraia HsriiSK £e. { 307 Fort Stre* t 1 ’