Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 8, 27 September 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Benson, Smith «fe Co., The Corncr DRUG STORE Pure Druo^, Fine Perfumes, Prompt AAtention, tow Frices Corner Fort & fiotel Sts.' aul ARF,IVĒD French and Sootc/i Gingh \ras* ae«f) ... ,10c.. 20o. aa.l 2,*>o. Victoria Lawas/new). 10 yds for 'āe. White Dr ss Oiod.s (new).. I0c., lōe., *23c , ‘25c., 80o.. 35c White au«I C /oreJ D.mitiea [new] ‘20c. aad L’'>c LlannellelU/all colors, (new) 10yds for $1.0) Tlie o!d maiino— “Tj0ra ian>thiag naw u:\der (ua sun”—Jnocked out. Call an.l be convinced. M. S. LEVY, Who is now s*tt!ol m Bensoo, -Sra th & Co. • 01d St\ud, Fort Streot HOLLISTER & CO. Iraporters. W ioleiile and Retiil Dealers in Ci«:az3, Smo]iiiig am> Srse.olrers -A-rticles. Agents for Ihe Celebrated G. P. T> . PIPES, MADE IS PAKI5. PUEIEIEl) j 4 rn I? ai* USED BT THE C0N3)UD.\fED SODA WATER WORKS w CO *IP AN r Y—Li olteJ. , tlxe 3PO o.rLtairxs Thioujl3'J. u , |jxcErrisoroNE Jit3T, Pars a.3;Cx3rstal. «Jg7