Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 9, 28 September 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
\SSIQHEE’S SALE! TFil EVH3E STOCS OF Wenner$ Co. 1 — WILL BE 60LP Regirdless of Cost. -<-pt 6—tl pioneek; Steam CSNDY Factory. ~ R\KKRV and lee Cream Parlors! HORN m m 1863 1894 P i m vractical COXFEC T1GNE1 1 and ORNAMENTER /n all br*urhet of thf hunnei* o<t Iheee islands. Amorican, EnirHsb, Gcrm»n »n«l French PASTKIE6 M.»Jc to Order. BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CAKES M»dc of tlic Very Bcst M»tcrial and at Kcasouabk- Kates. Fe.miiy Graham & Fancy Bread Ahcays on Hand. A 1,1. COX FE« TI«>AF.RY Manufactiired at Mv E»tahl!shment Arc Gnarantec«l t'> bc P>»s.tively Pure and SoId a t Pricvs no otber est&bli-tamcnt eau eompele with. FACTOUY AaM) store, Vo. 71 H»tel Street, Ilonolnlu. Botta TetcpbwlH9i No. 74. Ptr S.S. AUSTKALIA fr»)in the Coast 0AMAEINO3 Refrigerator Cuntain a P’ull Suppiy of īee Huuse, such as Frozen Oysters, Crabs, Fresh Salinou, Caul.flower Celery, Muscat Grapes, Peaches, Anricots ' k , Mecfcarines, Japanese Plums Tukay Gr.ipes, Oennao Pruncs i I Crawford Peaches, Silvcr Prunes Ros3 Peru Grapes, Hurt!ett Pears, S.kle Pears, Etc, California Fruit Mnrket. Mufcual Tel. 37S lt 8I.YG YLK.\ KEE, T1NSMITH a.vd DEALEB IN 1 TINWARE. Piping L»;<1 nn I A* Pr.*nipt ! y AUen<I«-d to Ch »rg* 3 Tery .\ī<«hr.te. C >!1 an«! !>. No. 222 M lunwkpa St., 1 lonolulu. iy20 1<u PANĪHEON 3ALOON, FOBT AND ŪOIEL 6IS. B52iliHīrtS[J MmiK Br8f!3£ Cf. • VT2e . LaPg<-sC Cons'gnnient of Bcer that ever »»rr v-<l here, oa I>raiigtit * DODU,