Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 9, 28 September 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
— The - ndie*te” i* loo*»Dg h«ppy. | Tho J. A. C inarnins arrived this ninr:»ing. lue bnnd p!aye»l last uight «t ihe Hot-l. The Mariposa left yesterdar i f>r the Colonies at eight o’eloek r.M. The |>olice gpies now making thr«melves numeroo? at Waikiki are liahle to ba filletl with sbots one of these days. The sbarpshooters raet last night antl elected the follotrmg t>fticers: C.iptain, John Kidwell; Lieulenanl, F. S. D«.»dge; S eonel Lieutenaut. Henry Waterhonse.
A graiil cn gambling Chicese w:is iumiIl' la>t n:ght. Twelve i f thom m-1 their Pmg Y.mg »>r Waterloo. Purser White of ihe Hail is tho l.itest viclim t > tho inarringe enuleuie. He aiul Miss Bruus wiil gi» iuto partuersh |i wilhin a few d .vs. L J. Levey «s nsa>»lly has j charge of the theatr : c*l season. j , Menlion of otlter parties as m -n- | iigers of the Daily Coropany !ire I without foandation. Piirties il2sirir g1 1 !>-* ' r e'.l d>-es-s- il sli uld e.ill :it tlui store of L U. K'err mul selocl a p.ttern from ; his eleg.int stoek. The pr ces are : i reas <nab!e and Monolnlu has any ! unomil of cI«V' rsuilors. S >mebocly left heh«nd in Ihe *-t*sidence of S. B il.: d Dole give i succ-e»lul ent»itainment last night Subjeds of the Mis.-do \vere predoiuiuating among tlie guests. o
The editor of the Advertiner is afraid tli!it a eoooanul tree on.lhe Waikiki will f .11 dowu and 8rn sh tis ei.eoai nt If t did what » lotuf i'man.eh stories would be -floatmg arouud. Dr. J. K. Smith of Koloa has resigiied his hs government phvs ci iu and Dr Mouritz |):tS been appointed iu his plaee, Priv»te letters st te that the ‘biladelphia will !irr v iu Hmio 1 .|u willnu a inouth and be stit;oned here. She w.ll be u« e *inmaud of an admiral. Mr. Cleve!and’s inv tatiou to the Haw.iiiaus to h«*l|> themselves seems to uave expired. The real estate »ge icy adveriised in another eolumn prora ses to be a gre.it snccess The iirm tr.iis»cis ull niud °f Cn ne al tiusiness fiom collecting bills to negoliat ng lo>ns a"d deserve the patronage of t!ie pnhlie. The sensatiiinal y»rn about the ct»©mpted a?sissinali»n of C. B \\ ilson wh oh appe»red mlist glit’> Stnr haa t irne«l *>ut a full fl«dged f eke T«- w>si w*a evidently f»therto the tli»oght.
_____ The Salv »ti«m artny h «1 «t « s1 circns on King Street ' st •vening * M j«>r’ fnii«l Mrs Kv’e eceiv«vl hh ov*Uon fr m the eou* wrts and \ver* ♦*pcorttid t«> t e whurf by a Iarge crowd. The reportv «>f the Att«>rn<*y Oeneml un«l the U<>urd <•! Health ; hiv mi d lo cont-«in »me veiy , C h. d,l »is n»H«era. lt >« «« won.ler the atw O Sra th «loe>n t ei»ies l<> tlie >ioL WBk H» \<«e(i’t li <* puhlie inve»tigatt«>u u l cnt e sm. Mr. W Kawue. tho wel!-k own e.igineer fr«>iu Ke I a *»s «nurried | w ter>l«*« to Mr*. B Hicksof FniuōiMst>. The br*«le ar* riv«»<l in ’he M «ni*oR» * d wua | et bv her inlen ded Theqnist ( - «ve«Kling pe»(or»ed »1 3; 1 ,/e oek in t u e «fter o««n br tbe ev. Mueku«t“sh- M'. Knaaie’e • n wero s fr end* wiah .him *W j M | H-k piae--8 iu hia ieUiei i fcaVjit’ ru,e *