Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 11, 1 October 1894 — A Wise Move. [ARTICLE]
A Wise Move.
'i'Iie authoritii's, tbat be, liuve | for <>DCe imule a step wbich will retiect cr» ilitnble on theni. Mr. i L A. Amlrews £<>0* biick to Maui as 5?her tt ami his position as sen or captain of the poliee has been giveii to li >bert Parker Waipi. As a r ilo \%e have no use for the Attomey Geuer.il or for tbe Marshul, bnt we belīeve that both geutleinon are deserving ofcredit in this instanco. Sherirt’Andrews will prove hiiuself a first class otHcer on Maui. He knows the : ‘•cattle” he has to deal with there nd he will not have lost throngh Ihe giincd in Houoluln. >bert Parker needs • no r- comniendation as a polieeo cer. He has uufortunateiy joined a government, the princi ples and actions of whieh nobcxiy ean approve, but he will be Ki.own as a thyrough!y hoiest, stra : ght, and courageous ofticer. And for these reasonshis appoint* n.ct.t givcs|'ltasnroto sllpaities It is rei»orted that Mr S. F, ; Chiliingworth Ihe former sheriff, ,of Maui will accept a position i under tl.e poliee department in j Honolul-.i. ‘ — 1 — ■■ I