Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 12, 2 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

LADIE8’ eOLUMK. | Mr. Cba*i. tbe GeneR»l P*ssenger Agent of the Volc*no Hoase Comp*ny mts somethiug Ī8 going to happen to Madame Pele. He thinks sbe btf heard of oar Qaick Sales and Small Profit Policr and is determined she vill do something to get np a i I bigger sensation. We are too busj to go and see what is going on; so here is a ehanee for you to go as onr representatire. Yon ' are aware of the fact tbat every parcbase made at our store yon receive a eheek. KEEP E\ ERY ONE. The amoont of purchase makes no difierehce. On *December 26th, [tbe morning after 1 Christmas] the man, woman or cbild bringing in the LARQ£ST NUMBER CHECKS to the Store before 12 o’eloek noon receive a FIRST CLASS ROUND TRIP TICKET to the VOLCANO, and; s I a letter of introduction to Mad-! r ame Pele, aa B. F. EHLERS AI ‘ CO.’S, representative. This tickI et gives yon ehoiee of rontes and I time for leaving. Remember every purcbase. great or small . entitle« voo to a ehanee. lui • worth working for. In tbe mean time, we are going ito trv and make things lively! here. Quick sales and Small Profits and plenty of new novelties will continae to do it, The Mariposa eame just in time. We have been looking forward witb pleasnre to the ar- ; rival of tbose DARK BLUE and i BLACK LAWNS‘»-the very lati est ont; also SCOTCH GING- | HAM8 and COLORED DIM1TIES. A full line of tbese goods. Special attention is also I called to our new WHITE and RED BATISTElSand magnificent ( SINGLE aud DOUBLE WIDTH , CRETONS—snitablefor Curtains ( and Furniture Coverings. Do you want to go the 1 j Volcano ? j B. F. EHLERS & 00. f|āWf\EEf\N 0f l=[oUiSE L. J. LEVEY Lessee W. R. DAILEY.. Manoger » Second Season of Dai)ey Stock Co.. ander the personal direction of W. R. Daiuet. Thur8day, October 4, R Wife’s TDevotion. Satorday, October 6, Augustein Dailev Celebrated Gometly A NIGHT 0FF! gtt Doors open at 7:30, Curtain i will rise at 8 o’eioek prompt. Box plan will opeo at tbe office of L. J. Levey for ihe opening nigbt on Monday. 8ept. 24, at 9 A. X. Mfitd REAL ESTATE AGENCY. Hooaes to rant and for aale. B**nU coiiected, oonTeyancing in I all iia hpioehai attended to with ■ proroplneaa and d***P*tch. 11 Acesci. I j 103 £ort st ; SAM YEE HOP, ‘j | No. 852 Kiog Street. Dealer io »| California aad flawaiian FruiU * and Vegek«hleg. Gu*va JoRy,