Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 12, 2 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

tong Branch Establishmer.t. • This F:rrt-C; B«» i'*g rl has enUnpnl and if now to the pnhlie. lt is ihe Wst plaee on the sslan«is to ei j<>y » U*th. an»l there ie no Vje'.ter olaee to Iay ofl. Sjie< ia’ »ccomaiod«tioi s f*»r f.« - dies Tr*rocan* j*»ss the d r erenr half ho*sr, »nd < n S .lurdHys »nd Stindav<* everv fifteen nmintes. C. i sHKRWOOD, j v *24 Proprielor lo\/eJoy & eo. Wfioiegale Wiqe Liquoi’ Oealei^ 19 Nunanu Sire<-t| We w«»uld c:\ll y<*ur attention tn Our Sf*ecial IJr.«ml** Longlife <$ Pure Cream RYE WHISKEY. Fredencktburg t>EER T. B. Murray ls 1 H l<» l»e * i»unil On liie OI«I Miunl. \«». I i KliiK II.l<<iikP«*t aa CARRIAGE A VI * I I* ii'l'l I 11/1) m ( ■ oew < >n. |T Wlu'.i tl.«‘ ••PROPLES’ PARTV"gets smnslied ho uill U‘ roa*iv t«> REPAIR PA1NT AND TRIM IT At a lio iSoiiable K — Nu Eitra Chargi‘ for Furuishiu£ thero with ('unuaon Senso. LETTHKM KIN(» l'P. MOTUALJ TKLEPHO\Ej|| 572. jtl f.0» IHE COMMERCIAL SALOON Harry KlEMUE, Manager Cor. Niinan i «( Bervtm a sts. Monoluln, U. 1. The Only S|>.«rt ng tiouse in T«'»u. O. S. a Spe<tittlitv. LOHKNOKIN LAOKK |BEER, Al*rays ou l>raught. 2 GLASSE8 KOB 25 CENTS. B&>!Zo/i ]rfiries, Ltquors, and Ci$ars, ALWaYS OK hand. jul (i