Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 14, 4 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
ARRIVED li ' Freach -intl Scotch Gingh »ms (new i ... *10c., 2'*c. an 1 _ Victoria L>»was (new>. 10 yds for T5o. Whit* Dr*s> Gools (n?«r).. 10c . 15c., *20c., ‘25c.. 3'<• \Vhit« an 1 Co!ored Oimiiiea [new] ‘20c, aui *2' LUnnelIetts. ail coK»rs, (new) 10yds for '!. * oM maiim— ‘ Tjer* isnothing new nr.2er th* san” —knoeke l ont. C»ll an»t bo convin.:Ovl. M. S. LEVY, Who is now sdt!e<l in Benson. Smith .k Co. ’?J OKl SUnd. Fort Street
iUST ARRIVED, q q >3 B4BY -;CARBIAGES 0F AI.L STILFS, r m IN THE LATEST PATTEKN3. ‘‘.HOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINES Hand Sewixq M achin ss , fr?*All Witb ihe Latest Improvements'^'3 PARLOR )r<rnns, Gruitarr, And Other Muaieal Instrnmen \Vines, liquois, Beer ALWAYS OX RAXO. \NT> FOR SALE BY R0. flOFFSCHUEGEE i C0 Kine 8t.. oppo Castle A CVxike « lqVeJoy &oo, Wiqe \ liquoF ūealei^ 19 Nuuanu Street) We wonld ca!l ynur ntlention to Our Special Brands Longlife <% Pure Cream RYE WHISKEY. Fredericksburg Beer au2 in casks or bottles LEE SUNG KEE, 49 KIXQ STREET, TrSSMITH, and DEALER IX GLASSware, Crockery, Coal-OU Stoves, Water Pv g - Plutnbinj? in All Ita Branches Faithfally £zecnte«l. jyl8-ly MACHINE MADE POI! FACTORY, : : KALIHl. Taro P!anta, Fresh Tope and R a w Taro at all liroes. Ring Ep Mulual Telephone 577 Bel! 345. W. L. WILCOX. Jy® Man»ger. DRAYAGE C0, Stand: Qaeen and Fort Sti While and B!ack Sdnd. Draying I>.ne at Reas -nahle F W. F. SMaRRKTT, Mivaor. ir» -To Let or Len»e, \\a.Wer» prt»tie». c«atainini S5S?saaraMi i«MUa p*rty. Addrtaa AB&AnAM FI uts &~uu
V Ē 2 •sr C c P P r irSAT08SUP Sometiraes where to go M j ;• cbnse auv particnlar arti’I , ; ut not if yon liappen to w>int anytbing iu the lino of £upplies, Picture F:ame3 or enlarged portraits, there U but oue plaee in Honolnlu, to pnrchase a11 materials, and that’s KINO BROS.’ Store, for v.L:. Ii there is no rival on those Islands. The finest paintings in Haw .ii, are on exhibition ia this gall* ry, The finn makes a specinltv of eularging portraits as w*>ll as makmg pictnro frames in tlio very latest styles of mouldiugs. In the sheet ]iietures. they have tlmnsands to select Īīoiu of whieh they invite au iuapeelion at aoy tirae. KING Hotel Street, : : ; H molulu aug 2;>-lmd‘v. FŌrT~sālē A Complete Hunting Outfit. One Irish S* tter bitch «*f the best blu**d m Anieric.a; ster* *l in the A. K. 3. B. «ud p rtly broken. One Pointer b’tch bv the * e ; e brnt* d Glenbe gb th.»t e st ■? 10 m Eugload. Oue Pnp five \veeks oUl f - er and nioihe** tii«>rong ibre*-iK. One B ckboard hnilieape*' a y f*>r hunt;ng pnrj oses. One 12g*uga CSmth g n «s g >*>d bS ue* »1.(1 iii fin** t>rder. Ttie bbuve ontfit wili be soid eheap Enquire of w. H. CUNNINGHAM. Anchor Saloon. sepl9 tf pui:nd mastek‘» . Notk;e. Notice is bereby giv-n to ali persons tbat tb*-re are at th« Government Poand »t M tciki 1 red bra»>ded Ka onrigl>l bmd hip; 1 bn>wn Mah ba»l •io t>rn -d; 1 red horse, brandetl “L. ou r.gbt lnnd hip, br»nd—n jknow« ou Ieft hiud hip. and . white spot o»i forehead. ,‘^ D y P«r»on or persons ow ting these horses. are reqaeste<l t eonae ar><l t»ke the sa>ue on *>.” efore 12 .’eloek noou, Saturdav d>er t>. 1894. Wiu Kaapa, P»>umi >ia.-.t*>r. Sep- 1m. aep2ti 1•'